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 2021-12-14 22:55:54  

SE CT I O N 7 Windows and Viewports

第七章 窗口和视口

1 General

1 总则


Windows and window installation are to comply with the latest edition, including addenda, of the ASME PVHO-1 Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (ASME PVHO-1).


窗户和窗户的安装应符合最新版本的ASME PVHO-1人类使用压力容器安全标准(ASME PVHO-1),包括附录。


Window retaining rings, bolts and seat dimensions in viewport flanges, are to comply with the latest edition of ASME PVHO-1.


窗挡环、螺栓和视口法兰内的阀座尺寸应符合最新版ASME PVHO-1。

3.3 Service Life

The Service Life of an acrylic window is the maximum length of time and/or number of service cycles that an acrylic window meeting the requirements of ASME PVHO-2 may be used in a pressure vessel for human occupancy.

3.3 使用寿命

丙烯酸窗户的使用寿命是满足ASME PVHO-2要求的,丙烯酸窗户是用于人类居住的压力容器中最大时间长度和服务周期数。

3.5 Service Cycle

The pressurization of an acrylic window to a pressure above the ambient pressure (regardless of the pressure) and a subsequent depressurization to ambient pressure constitutes one service cycle. The maximum pressure is not to exceed the design pressure of the window.

3.5 服务周期


3.7 Viewport Assembly

A Viewport Assembly is a pressure vessel penetration consisting of a window, flange, retaining rings and seals.

3.7 视口组装


3.9 Window

A Window is the transparent, impermeable and pressure resistant insert in a viewport.

3.9 窗口


5 Submission of Drawings and Data

Detailed dimensional drawings of viewport components, material specifications including materials for flanges, retaining rings, gaskets and bolts, and design calculations demonstrating compliance with these Rules, are to be submitted for review.

5 提交图纸和数据


7 Design Parameters and Operating Conditions (2009)

The windows of underwater vehicles and hyperbaric installations are subject to the design parameters contained in the latest edition of ASME PVHO-1. The design parameters below are based on ASME PVHO-1-2007. It is the responsibility of the designer to determine that these requirements are consistent with the latest edition of the ASME PVHO-1 safety standard.

  1. The operating temperature is to be within a –18°C to 66°C (0°F to 150°F) temperature range.
  2. The pressurization or depressurization rate is to be less than 10 bar/s (145 psi/s).
  3. The contained fluid (external or internal) is to be only water, seawater, air, or breathing gases.
  4. The number, or the total duration, of pressure cycles during the operational life of the windows is not to exceed 10,000 cycles or 40,000 hr, respectively.
  5. The maximum operational pressure is not to exceed 1380 bar (20,000 psi)
  6. The exposure to nuclear radiation shall not exceed 4 megarads
  7. The design life of the windows is to be in accordance with the following:
    • Not to exceed 20 years for windows that are exposed only to compressive stresses
    • Not to exceed 10 years for all windows subject to tensile stresses.

The design life of a window is counted from the date of fabrication, regardless of the effective length of time during which the window has been used.

Design parameters different from the above will be subject to special consideration.

7 设计参数和运行条件(2009年)

水下交通工具和高压设施的窗户符合最新版ASME PVHO-1中的设计参数。以下设计参数基于ASME PVHO-1-2007。设计人员有责任确定这些要求与最新版ASME PVHO-1安全标准一致。

  1. 工作温度应在-18°C至66°C(0°F至150°F)的温度范围内。
  2. 加压或减压速率应小于10巴/秒(145磅/平方英寸/秒)。
  3. 所含的流体(外部或内部)应仅为水,海水,空气或呼吸气体。
  4. 窗户使用寿命期间压力循环的次数或总持续时间分别不超过10,000次循环或40,000小时。
  5. 最大工作压力不超过1380 巴(20,000磅/平方英尺)
  6. 核辐射照射不得超过4兆拉德
  7. 窗户的设计寿命应符合以下要求:
    • 仅暴露于抗压应力的窗户不超过20年
    • 所有受拉应力影响的窗户不超过10年。



  1. Certification (2009)

Copies of the following certifications are to be submitted for each window:

9 认证(2009)


Design Certification

A design certification is to be provided for each window and viewport assembly design. This document is to certify that the design complies with ASME PVHO-1. The certificate is to include the information required by Form VP-2 in Section 2 of ASME PVHO-1.

9.1 设计认证

应为每个窗口和视口组件设计提供设计认证。本文件旨在证明该设计符合ASME PVHO-1。证书应包括ASME PVHO-1第2节中VP-2表格所要求的信息。

9.3 Material Manufacturerrsquo;s Certification

The manufacturer of the acrylic material is to provide a document certifying that the material complies with ASME PVHO-1. The Acrylic material is to be marked so as to be traceable to this certificate. The certificate is to include the information required by Form VP-3 in Section 2 of ASME PVHO-1.

9.3 材料制造商的认证

丙烯酸材料的制造商应提供证明材料符合ASME PVHO-1的文件。应标记丙烯酸材料,以便可追溯到此证书。证书应包括ASME PVHO-1第2节中VP-3表格所要求的信息。

9.5 Material Testing Certification

After annealing, material acceptance tests are to be performed by the material manufacturer or by an independent testing laboratory. The material acceptance tests are to be documented by a certificate that includes the information required by Form VP-4 in Section 2 of ASME PVHO-1.

9.5 材料测试认证

退火后,材料验收测试应由材料制造商或独立的测试实验室进行。材料验收测试应通过证书进行记录,该证书包括ASME PVHO-1第2部分中VP-4表格所要求的信息。

9.7 Pressure Testing Certification

Window pressure testing in accordance with Subsection 7/19 is to be documented by a certificate. The certificate is to include the information required by Form VP-5 in Section 2 of ASME PVHO-1.

9.7 压力测试认证

根据第7/19小节进行的窗户压力测试应以证书形式记录。证书应包括ASME PVHO-1第2节中VP-5表格所要求的信息。

9.9 Fabricatio

英语原文共 49 页


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