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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-12-12 14:17:09  

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2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)

1. bov, j. m. (2006). huanglongbing: a destructive, newly emerging, century old disease of citrus. journal of plant pathology, 88(1), 737.2. shokrollah, h., abdullah, t. l., sijam, k., o paulo, brazil. european journal of plant pathology, 130(4): 577-586.4. liao, h., o paulo state. international association of agricultural economists triennial conference. iaae publications, foz do iguau, brazil.9. hong, t., zhang, y., song, s. (2014). research and application of mountainous orchard transportationand spray machinery. modern agricultural equipment, 5, 2127.10. fan, g., liu, b., wu, r., li, t., cai, z., ke, c. (2009). thirty years of research on citrus huanglongbing in china. fujiau journal of agricultural sciences, 24(2), 183190.11. lo, x. (1983). studies on the sterilieation effect of the intermittent hot water treatment on citrus budwood and nursling infected with citrus yellow shoot. journal of south china agricultural university, 4(1), 97103.12. lin, k., zheng, r. (1964). a preliminary study on the resistance of yellow shoot virus and citrus budwood tissue to heat. acta phytopathologica sinica, 7(1), 6165.

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