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 2021-11-25 23:21:28  


摘 要











As an important human resource, college students are connected with the future development of the country, and it is of great significance to comprehensively understand their living conditions and provide timely intervention and guidance. Based on the data of college students (undergraduates and postgraduates) life status questionnaire survey, this article conducts a multivariate statistical analysis, comprehensively evaluates their current living and psychological status, and uses the effect analysis method to analyze the influencing factors and the effects of various factors on academic fatigue of college students. Based on this method, an SVM prediction model was established to explore the path of academic achievement prediction and provide support and guidance for the academic development of college students.

Research indicates:

(1) College students as a whole lack exercise, a small number of students rely on mobile Internet, serious academic burnout, and most students have high levels of psychological capital.

(2) The psychological capital of undergraduates was significantly better than that of postgraduates, and the pressure was significantly less than that of postgraduates. The degree of satisfaction of university students (undergraduate and graduate students) in 2018 was significantly higher than that in 2019, and the degree of psychological capital was significantly less than that in 2019.

(3) There is a significant positive connection between academic burnout and all other living state variables except consumption. Psychological capital has the highest degree of explanation for academic burnout, reaching 19.7%.

(4) Psychological capital plays a mediating effect when pressure perception's impact influences academic burnout, and gender plays a regulatory role when psychological capital's influences academic burnout.

(5) Relying on the mobile phone network, academic burnout, self-satisfaction, psychological capital, achievement motivation, and professional results are expected to pass the forecast results, and the prediction accuracy of the SVM model reaches 83.2%; psychological capital, pressure perception, and dependence on mobile phone networks, Actual results and satisfaction have a certain predictive effect on academic burnout, the accuracy rate of the ordered logistics regression model reaches 71.2%.

Based on the above results, in order to promote the positive progress of college students, advocate students to exercise more, reduce their dependence on mobile phones and networks, learn to self-regulate pressure and improve self-satisfaction; colleges and universities need to care more about students' mental health issues and be active carrying out related activities, college teachers should focus more on the cultivation of students 'achievement motivation and career outcome expectations in the course of educational work, which helps to improve students' learning burnout.

Key Words:college students; living status; multivariate statistical analysis; effect analysis; SVM prediction

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 学习倦怠的国内外研究现状 1

1.2.2 大学生心理素质的研究现状 2

1.2.3 学业成就预测的国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容与目的 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究目的 4

1.4 本文的创新之处 4

第2章 研究方案设计 5

2.1 研究涉及的心理量表 5

2.2 问卷的设计与测试 5

2.2.1 研究对象 6

2.2.2 调查问卷设计 6

2.2.3 大学生生活状态量表的构建 6

2.2.4 大学生生活状态量表的测试 6

2.3 本章小结 9

第3章 高校学生生活状态的多元统计分析 10

3.1 高校学生现状的基本分析 10

3.1.1 基本数据描述 10

3.1.2 高校学生生活现状 11

3.1.3 高校学生心理现状 15

3.1.4 高校学生学习现状统计 18

3.2 高校学生生活状态变量间的相关分析 19

3.3 高校学生生活状态的差异分析 19

3.3.1 高校学生生活状态在性别上的差异 19

3.3.2 高校学生生活状态在学历上的差异 21

3.3.3 高校学生生活状态在时间上的差异 22

3.4 生活状态变量对学业倦怠的回归分析 23

第4章 高校学生学习状态的效应分析与预测 26

4.1 高校学生学业倦怠的效应分析 26

4.1.1 调节效应与中介效应的简介 26

4.1.2 心理资本在压力感知与学业倦怠之间的中介作用 27

4.1.3 性别在心理资本与学业倦怠之间的调节作用 28

4.1.4 有调节的中介作用 29

4.2 基于SVM的考试成绩预测 30

4.2.1 SVM原理简介 30

4.2.2 基于SVM的考试成绩预测 30

4.3 基于logistics回归的学业倦怠预测 31

4.3.1 有序logistics回归简介 31

4.3.2 基于有序logistics回归的学业倦怠预测 32

第五章 研究结论与展望 34

5.1 研究结论 34

5.1.1 高校学生生活现状的结果讨论 34

5.1.2 高校学生生活现状的纵向对比结果讨论 34

5.1.3 高校学生学业倦怠影响因素及路径的结果讨论 34

5.1.4 高校学生学业成就影响因素及预测的结果讨论 35

5.2 对策建议 35

5.3 研究不足与未来展望 35

参考文献 36

附录A 38

附录B 41

致 谢 42

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景




1.1.2 研究意义




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