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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 高分子材料与工程 > 正文


 2021-11-18 22:23:03  


摘 要






The gradually-released behavior of the capsules refers to the gradual change or even destruction of the permeability of the capsule shell materials under the stimulation of the external environment, realizing the controlled release of the encapsulated materials. Because of this unique property, the gradually-released capsules have broad application prospects in the field of biomedicine. We can prepare different stimulation responsive capsules through designing different core-shell structure of the capsules, such as pH responsive, temperature responsive, magnetic responsive and biological responsive capsule, etc.

In this article, a new preparation method of chitosan capsule is proposed and its feasibility is proved theoretically. The capsule takes gelatin microspheres coated with gold nanorods as the core layer material and chitosan as the shell layer material, which can combine the photothermal conversion performance of gold nanorods with the temperature stimulated response performance of gelatin, which endows the microcapsules with unique near-infrared response performance and further realizes the gradually-release property of the microcapsules. The preparation and characterization methods of gold nanorods, the properties of gelatin, the properties and applications of chitosan and the preparation and characterization methods of microcapsules were systematically researched through reviewing relevant articles. On this basis, a set of systematic experimental plans and characterization methods of this topic are proposed, including the preparation and characterization of gold nanorods, the photothermal conversion performance of gold nanorods, the preparation of gelatin microspheres coated with gold nanorods and the preparation and gradual release behavior of microcapsules. The rationality of these methods is proved as well. On the other hand, we have certified the practicality of the method that prepares a near-infrared responsive microcapsule by combining the advantages of gelatins and gold nanorods through analyzing relevant experimental data provided by instructor.

We can draw a conclusion that the microcapsules with near infrared responsive property can be prepared by using gelatin bead coated with gold nanorods as core and chitosan as shell materials through analyzing the experimental data provided by the instructor. And the gradually release property of the microcapsules can be controlled by near infrared light. In a word, the method of preparing microcapsules is practical and hopeful to be applied in the reality.

Key Words: gold nanorods; gelatin; gradually-released microcapsule; chitosan

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 金纳米棒 1

1.2 明胶 2

1.3 壳聚糖 3

1.3.1 壳聚糖的性能 3

1.3.2 壳聚糖的应用 4

1.4逐级释放微胶囊 5

1.5本课题的研究内容、目的及意义 7

第二章 实验设计部分 9

2.1 实验试剂及仪器 9

2.2 实验过程 10

2.2.1 可控长径比的金纳米棒的制备及表征 10

2.2.2 金纳米棒的光热升温测试 11

2.2.3 明胶@Au NRs微球的制备 11

2.2.4 壳聚糖/明胶@Au NRs核壳胶囊的制备及表征 11

2.2.5 壳聚糖胶囊的光热响应性能测试 12

2.2.6 壳聚糖核壳胶囊的逐级释放性能测试 12

第三章 结果与讨论 14

3.1 Au NRs的结构表征 14

3.2 Au NRs的光热响应性能 15

3.3 明胶@Au NRs微球形貌及其光热响应性能 16

3.4 壳聚糖核壳胶囊的形貌及其光热响应性能 17

3.5 壳聚糖核壳胶囊的逐级释放性能 19

第四章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致谢 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 金纳米棒

纳米材料是材料科学领域中的一个重要的研究方向,纳米材料具备许多宏观材料所不具备的独特理化性能,因而在诸多领域都有着广泛的应用。纳米材料的尺寸远小于宏观材料,故当电磁波在导电材料和电介质的界面之间传播时,会使小尺寸的纳米颗粒极化为偶极子并随电场的振动而振动,在纳米粒子内部会形成一种回复力以补偿这种效应,从而形成与传导电子的振动相匹配的共振频率 [1],这一现象称为表面等离子共振(SPR)。由于SPR效应,纳米材料具备宏观材料所没有的独特光学性能。此外,由于金银等贵金属化学性质稳定,不易被氧化且其共振频率多在可见光区,故金银等贵金属纳米颗粒成为最常用的研究和应用对象。金纳米棒(Au NRs)是一种典型的各向异性的纳米材料,所以其SPR行为也分为纵向和横向。研究发现,金纳米棒的纵向等离子吸收带的位置与其长径比有关,当金纳米棒的长径比增大时,其纵向等离子吸收峰发生红移,而横向吸收峰变化不大 [2]。随着金纳米棒合成方法的不断革新与发展,研究者可以通过对金纳米棒合成过程中相关参数的调整以整获得不同长径比的成品。基于这种尺寸可调性,金纳米棒成为一种应用广泛的纳米材料。

目前,合成金纳米棒常用的方法是种子生长法,该法一般采用氯金酸作为金源,通过还原反应制备金纳米棒。基本原理是先制备金纳米颗粒种子溶液,之后使纳米颗粒在生长溶液中进一步生长为金纳米棒,其中关键在于保证纳米颗粒生长的各向异性。一般通过在种子溶液和生长溶液中加入保护剂,使纳米颗粒在保护剂分子形成的模板中生长以实现各向异性生长。早期研究人员分别在种子溶液和生长溶液中加入柠檬酸钠和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)作为保护剂进行Au NRs的合成,当种子溶液与生长溶液混合后,通过添加生长溶液以增大Au NRs的长径比。但这种方法产率较低且伴随着球形、盘形等异形的颗粒副产物[2]。El-Sayed等采用CTAB和BDAC(十六烷基二甲基一苯基氯化铵)复合稳定剂代替柠檬酸钠作为保护剂。当表面活性剂的浓度达到其临界胶束浓度(CMC)时,会形成棒状的柔性模板,金纳米种子在模板中生长为Au NRs,成功地减少了异形颗粒等副产物。此外,在一定范围内,可以通过增大生长溶液中的银离子含量来增大Au NRs的长径比[3]。传统观点认为,含溴的阳离子表面活性剂是合成金纳米棒的必须组分,但Murray等[4,5]在合成配方中引入水杨酸钠等芳香化合物,降低了CTAB的用量,并进一步揭示芳香酸-CTAB体系是通过影响金纳米颗粒正交方向的生长速率来调节其尺寸,这一过程受到温度、pH、反应物浓度及离子强度等多种因素的影响。他们进一步采用不含溴的烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)和油酸钠复合稳定剂体系,合成了单分散性且尺寸可调的金纳米棒,这种体系对溶液中的痕量碘离子等杂质的敏感性降低。


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