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 2021-11-14 21:14:46  


摘 要







Based on the 2014-2018 "China Meteorological Disaster Yearbook" and the 2013-2018 government bulletins on severe convection disasters, the disaster briefings and news reports of the Department of Civil Affairs on the strong convection weather disaster statistics and disaster information Research on the characteristics of torrent disasters and risk assessment of torrent disasters. First, the paper analyzes the spatial distribution of the country and temporal distribution downburst. Secondly, a hierarchical structure model for the risk assessment of downburst disasters was established. Six factors are used as evaluation indicators to divide the spatiotemporal area of the risk of torrential disasters. Finally, through AHP, the risk assessment results of the torrential disasters in China were obtained and analyzed. The innovation of this article is to use the analytic hierarchy process to analyze the problem of risk assessment of the torrential disasters in China.

This paper combines relevant data and analytic hierarchy process to study the risk of torrential disasters in China. The main conclusions are as follows:

(1) Through the data analysis of the torrential disasters from 2013 to 2018, the spatial distribution characteristics of the torrential disasters in China: taking the Tengchong-Mohe population density comparison line as the boundary, there are more in the southeast and less in the northwest; most in the middle and more in the east , Less in the west. Time distribution characteristics: In one year, the nationwide downburst mainly occurred in spring and summer, with the most frequent in July.

(2) Through the analytic hierarchy process, a risk assessment model of down-stream storm disasters was established by taking provinces across the country as examples. Direct economic loss, number of houses damaged, number of victims, down-stream storm density, down-stream storm flow The six factors of wind speed and downburst status (associated disasters) are used as evaluation indicators to calculate the weight of each factor, and to obtain the risk of downburst disasters in all provinces of the country, so as to classify downburst risk levels. The results show that Henan Province, Shandong Province, Hebei Province, Tianjin City, and Jiangsu Province are high-risk areas for underflow storm disasters, while Beijing, Hunan Province, Hubei Province, Shanghai, Anhui Province, and Guizhou Province are under-hit storm disasters. The higher risk areas are Jiangxi Province, Shanxi Province, Guangxi, Guangdong Province, Shaanxi Province, Jilin Province, Fujian Province, Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Hainan Province, and Zhejiang Province. The cities, Ningxia, Heilongjiang Province, Gansu Province, Liaoning Province, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai Province, Xinjiang, and Tibet are the low-risk areas to strike torrential disasters.

Keywords: Downburst; Temporal and spatial distribution; Analytic hierarchy process; disaster risk assessment


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究意义及目的 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3本文研究思路 3

第二章 下击暴流强风灾害的数据来源及分析方法 4

2.1下击暴流强风灾害的数据来源和初步分析 4

2.2分析方法 4

2.3本章小结 7

第三章 下击暴流强风灾害在我国的时空分布 9

3.1下击暴流强风灾害的时间分布 9

3.2下击暴流的空间分布 12

3.3下击暴流强风灾害损失的分布情况 14

3.4本章小结 17

第四章 我国下击暴流强风灾害风险性等级划分 18

4.1我国下击暴流强风灾害风险性评价模型 18

4.1.1我国下击暴流强风灾害风险性的影响因素 18

4.1.2我国下击暴流灾害风险性评价方法 19

4.2全国下击暴流灾害风险度计算 22

4.2.1建立层次结构模型 22

4.2.2构造成对比较矩阵 23

4.2.3各影响因子的相对权重以及一致性检验 24

4.3下击暴流风险度计算 25

4.4本章小结 30

第五章 总结与展望 31

5.1总结 31

5.2展望 31

参考文献 33

附录Ⅰ 35

致谢 36

第一章 绪论


下击暴流是由英文Downburst翻译过来的,是一种积雨云的强烈向下气流,通常和强降雨或雷暴天气相关的自然现象。下击暴流属于一种比较高频度发生的自然现象,同时和龙卷风比较类似的强风灾害,在实际中引发工程结构破坏也十分严重。Hawers和Demsey [1]曾经对澳大利亚近百起输电塔的倒塌事故进行事故调查,超过90%的事故是有雷暴下击暴流导致的。Dempesy和White H [2]对多个国家关于输电塔事故进行过调查,其调查表明,80%以上的事故是由下击暴流相关的雷暴强风导致的。下击暴流是一种比较特殊的风灾害,能够造成比较大的灾难和损失,进行中国下击暴流灾害风险性分析,对中国各个省份的减灾工作和和提高抗灾能力的提高,具有一定的帮助作用,对指导各个省份进行针对下击暴流灾害的防灾减灾工作具有一定的指导性意义。



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