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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-11-09 21:39:50  

摘 要




一 结构方案的确定。

二 荷载计算,包括恒载、活载、风荷载和地震作用。

三 横向框架内力计算、内力组合及截面设计。

四 现浇板,楼梯和基础的计算。

五 电算结果及分析。

六 结束语和参考文献。


一 在考虑建筑,结构要求的同时考虑了施工要求及可行性。

二 针对不同的荷载特点采用不同的计算方法,对所学知识进行了系统全面的复习。

三 框架计算中运用了理论公式计算又运用了当前工程设计中常用的近似计算方法。

四 利用电算对结果进行了校核,使计算结果更加令人信服。

关键词: 建筑设计 结构设计 钢筋混凝土框架结构

荷载 内力 截面设计


The purpose of this graduation project is to systematically review and summarize the knowledge learned in the past four years, so as to test the mastery degree of professional knowledge in the past four years, and at the same time to further consolidate and systematize the knowledge learned, so as to lay a good foundation for the future study and work.

This time my design topic is the design of no. 7 teaching building of jianghan university.According to the instruction, the teaching building is a six-story teaching building, with the ground floor of 4.5m and the standard floor of 4.2m. It is roofed by human beings. The structural form is reinforced concrete frame structure.

The design content includes architectural design and structural design, and the fourth axis transverse frame is used to calculate the structural design.This paper includes the following contents:

Determination of a structural scheme.

Load calculation, including constant load, live load, wind load and seismic action.

3.Calculation of internal forces, combination of internal forces and section design of transverse frame.

4.Cast-in-place slab, stair and foundation are calculated.

5.Calculation results and analysis.

6.Conclusion and references.

The design features the following:

1.In consideration of building, structural requirements at the same time to consider the construction requirements and feasibility.

2.According to the different load characteristics, different calculation methods are adopted to systematically and comprehensively review the knowledge learned.

3.The theoretical formula is used in the frame calculation and the approximate calculation method is used in the current engineering design.

4.The results are checked by computer, which makes the results more convincing.

Key words: civil engineering;Reinforced concrete;Frame structure;Structural design;


摘 要 1

Abstract 2

目录 1

设计总说明 3

1 设计简介: 3

2 建筑做法: 3

3 设计内容: 5

第1章 设计资料 7

1.1 工程名称: 7

1.2 工程概况: 7

1.3 设计资料: 7

第2章 结构布置及计算简图 8

2.1 柱网布置 8

2.2 计算单元选取 8

2.3 梁柱截面尺寸的确定 8

2.3.1 梁截面尺寸 8

2.3.2 柱截面尺寸的确定 9

2.4 板厚的确定 9

第3章 恒载标准值 10

3.1 屋面荷载标准值: 10

3.2 楼面荷载标准值: 10

3.3 框架梁柱荷载标准值: 10

3.4 填充墙荷载标准值: 11

3.5 楼梯荷载的标准值: 12

3.5.1 梯段板的荷载: 12

3.5.2 平台板荷载标准值: 12

3.5.3 平台梁荷载: 13

3.6 侧移刚度的计算 13

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