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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:23:37  

摘 要



本设计对分拣系统主要部件进行结构设计,包括传送带、电动机以及吸盘气动回路,使用SolidWorks软件对分拣系统的整体以及部分零部件进行结构设计,建立起系统的三维模型,并使用Robot Studio软件对分拣过程进行运动仿真,仿真结果符合设计任务的要求。



关键词:视觉分拣;Delta并联机器人;图像处理与工件识别; MFC;Robot Studio


With the improvement of productivity and production level, as well as the rise of labor cost and production demand, industrial robots are more and more involved in the process of industrial production. In the traditional assembly line sorting operation, manual sorting is mainly used. Compared with the industrial robot sorting operation, manual sorting has low efficiency, low precision and high cost. Therefore, this paper designs a rapid sorting system for industrial production assembly line.

In order to meet the requirements of fast and accurate sorting of workpiece on conveyor belt, delta parallel robot is used instead of traditional serial robot; because the workpiece only moves in two-dimensional space, the system uses fixed monocular camera and fast calibration method.

In this design, the main components of the sorting system are designed, including conveyor belt, motor and suction pneumatic circuit. SolidWorks software is used to design the structure of the whole and some parts of the sorting system. A three-dimensional model of the system is established, and robot Studio software is used to simulate the sorting process. The simulation results meet the requirements of the design task.

Because the camera distortion is not large, the system does not use the commonly used Zhang Zhengyou’s calibration method for calibration, but by identifying the world coordinates of two points on the image and their corresponding pixel coordinates, the conversion ratio of pixel coordinates to world coordinates can be calculated, so that any pixel of the image can be transformed into coordinates; for the image transmitted to the computer, gray is carried out successively Degree - Gauss filter - binarization - calculate the Hu moment of the contour - match the established contour of the triangular workpiece to identify the workpiece - identify the maximum envelope triangle - calculate the position of the mass center and the rotation angle of the triangular workpiece. In order to facilitate the operation and demonstration, an MFC program is designed for the identification system, and the MFC program is used to simulate the actual working process of the system.

The system can effectively achieve the task of workpiece sorting in the industrial field, and achieve the goal of reducing cost and improving speed. With the development of big data and artificial intelligence, and with the arrival of 2025 intelligent manufacturing, finally, the future development direction of visual sorting system is prospected, and the visual sorting system will be more intelligent.

Keywords: visual sorting; Delta Parallel Robot; image processing and Workpiece identification;MFC;Robot Studio

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 机器视觉的国内外现状 1

1.2.2 视觉分拣系统的国内外现状 2

1.3 本文研究思路与内容 5

第2章 总体方案设计 6

2.1 方案任务要求 6

2.2 系统组成分析 6

2.3 视觉系统硬件选型 7

2.3.1 工业相机及镜头选择 7

2.3.2 光源选择 9

2.2.3 Delta机器人选型 9

2.3.4 机器人控制器选择 10

2.4 本章小结 11

第3章 机器人分拣系统的结构设计与运动仿真 12

3.1 传送带设计 12

3.1.1 传送带材质选择与尺寸 12

3.1.2 传送带及支架结构设计 12

3.1.3 电动机型号选择 13

3.2 真空吸盘及气动回路设计 14

3.2.1 真空吸盘材料及形状选择 14

3.2.2 确定真空吸盘的盘径大小 14

3.2.3真空吸盘气动回路设计 15

3.3 机器人运动仿真 16

3.4 本章小结 17

第4章 图像处理和图形界面设计 18

4.1 图像预处理操作 18

4.1.1 颜色空间转换 18

4.1.2 高斯滤波消除噪点 19

4.1.3 阈值化处理 20

4.1.4 发现轮廓 20

4.2 工件的识别 20

4.2.1 建立工件模型 21

4.2.2 轮廓匹配 21

4.3 计算工件的位置和转角 22

4.3.1 确定顶点坐标 23

4.3.2 确定工件的位置坐标和转角 23

4.4 设计MFC程序 24

4.5 本章小结 25

第5章 结论与展望 26

5.1 总结 26

5.2 展望 26

参考文献 27

附录 29

致谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题的背景和意义



1.2 国内外研究现状


1.2.1 机器视觉的国内外现状

2014年广东工业大学的机电工程学院的袁清珂、张振亚等人设计了一套基于机器视觉的自动检测系统,从而可以有效测量耳机插孔内弹性触点[3]。他们 提出一种新的检测思路,其测量精度可以达到0.006mm,填补国内视觉检测市场空白,其主要处理思路如下:首先通过伺服电机在特定位置对三个触点进行拍照,接下来对采集到的图像进行滤波、二值化、锐化、和搜索匹配,识别出特征之后即可测得触点与中心线距离和偏差。

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