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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-11-02 20:53:05  

摘 要





In life, the change point does not appear in the scope of our daily contact, the change point theory is often used in economics, traffic statistics, medical statistics, the change point theory is applied to the data, using the known data to find Analyze its laws to think about the impact of the change point on the whole or predict the direction and changes that may occur in the future. Inland waterway ships are narrower than the sea, restricted waterway, ship flow, density and other factors cause frequent accidents in inland waters every year. For small and large changes that may occur, large-scale traffic flow changes need to be accurately analyzed through data, so it is effective It is particularly important to judge traffic anomalies in a timely and accurate manner. Real-time identification of traffic flow and analysis of the rules of traffic flow parameters are the key points. In this paper, the theory of the change point in highway traffic is applied to the analysis of inland ship traffic flow Identification of flow.

Combined with the research status of domestic and foreign scholars on the change point, summarize the change point analysis method: the data under the influence of known regular factors (such as seasonal effects or changes in the number of people that will occur on holidays) can be used first Variance method, find the mean variance to determine the change point, and then use Pearson and Spearman analysis to analyze the correlation coefficient and Sig value to determine the relationship between the parameters, establish a regression model, draw a fit and compare, and select a specific linear regression model Analysis, through standardized coefficients to obtain refined regression expressions. This article briefly describes the significance of the change point in the analysis of ship traffic flow, and uses regression analysis to estimate the change point. It also describes and judges the change point through the concepts of mean and variance, and transforms the nonlinear problem into a linear problem. detailed analysis. The previous analysis of highway traffic has proved the effectiveness and feasibility of the method, and now we will discuss and analyze the inland river traffic.

Keywords:Ship traffic change point, Regression analysis, Linear regression model analysis, Variance method, Degree of fit.

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容 3

第二章 变点分析概述 5

2.1 变点简介 5

2.2 变点与异常点的区别 5

2.3 变点分析基本理论 6

第三章 回归分析法 7

3.1 回归分析法简介 7

3.2 回归分析法在变点分析中的应用 7

3.3 基于回归分析的变点检测模型建立 9

第四章 实例分析 11

4.1 变点数量估计 11

4.2 变点识别及分析 16

第五章 总结 20

致谢 22

参考文献 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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