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 2021-10-28 20:36:12  

摘 要




During the latest WTO reform agenda, there are major differences between developed members and developing members on the reform of special and differential treatment. Developing members apply special and differential treatment in a “self-identification” way, which is strongly questioned by developed members. At present, special and differential treatment is facing the practical dilemma that the identification standard of applicable subject is vague, the specific rules are not effective in practice, and the “capacity gap” between North and South countries is huge. In formulating the reform plan, developed members advocate that more developing countries should “graduate” from the special and differential treatment, while developing members hope to make progress in enhancing the legal binding and enforceability of specific provisions and gradually pay attention to their own lack of negotiating capacity. The conflicts of interest between the two sides have led to a lack of consensus on the reform of special and differential treatment. From China’s perspective, in order to effectively advance the negotiations, developing countries could try to take an active part in the discussion of criteria for the identification of developing members, make substantial efforts in the areas of “hardening” the special and differential treatment rules and establishing a reasonable and effective monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the rules, and enhance South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue to promote their own capacity-building and broaden the space for the implementation of the special and differential treatment rules.

Key Words: WTO; developing members; special and differential treatment; reform

目 录

引言 1

第1章 发展中成员特殊与差别待遇概述 2

1.1 特殊与差别待遇的历史发展 2

1.2 特殊与差别待遇的主要内容 3

1.3 特殊与差别待遇的法理基础 5

第2章 WTO体制下特殊与差别待遇的现实困境 6

2.1 适用主体:发展中成员的认定标准模糊 6

2.2 具体规则:“软条款”的实践效果不佳 7

2.2.1 SDT条款缺乏约束力 7

2.2.2 SDT条款缺乏可执行性 8

2.3 谈判力量:南北国家的“能力鸿沟”巨大 8

第3章 当前WTO成员特殊与差别待遇的改革分歧 10

3.1 不同成员的改革方案及其利益考量 10

3.1.1 发达成员方案 10

3.1.2 发展中成员方案 11

3.2 不同改革方案的矛盾焦点 12

第4章 中国视角下特殊与差别待遇的改革路径 14

4.1 参与发展中成员身份认定标准的讨论 14

4.2 “硬化”WTO法中的特殊与差别待遇规则 15

4.3 建立合理有效的SDT执行监督机制 16

4.4 加强成员间关于能力建设的合作与对话 17

第5章 结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 23


世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization,简称WTO)框架内的“特殊与差别待遇”(Special and Differential Treatment,简称SDT)针对WTO成员中的发展中国家设立,意指发展中成员一定条件下可以背离WTO法的一般规定,履行较发达成员而言更轻的义务,享有优惠待遇。SDT是WTO体系中最能彰显“实质正义”理念的机制,体现出WTO致力于平衡世界贸易与发展的目标。然而,由于发达成员与发展中成员之间的利益冲突长期存在,SDT自诞生以来,WTO成员就其内容、范围和实现方式不乏分歧。当前,随着世界经济格局的急剧变化和国际合作不确定性的增强,WTO体制面临质疑与挑战,为此各成员积极寻求改革,SDT问题作为发展议题的重要一环更是多次成为讨论焦点。


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