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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:22:23  

摘 要


  1. 分析研究目前已有的对窑轴向位移的各种检测方案,在现有方案的基础上设计一套以处理芯片AD598以及单片机系统为核心的回转窑轴向位移在线测量装置,对该装置整体进行了元件的比较与选型,以及硬件部分测量支架的设计,为回转窑轴向窜动的动态在线测量装置研发提供了一条新思路。
  2. 在线测量装置由电子测量系统和机械支架结构两部分组成,电子测量系统分为传感器件、处理电路及激励源、AD转换及信号采集四个部分。电气测量系统用于测量回转窑的轴向位移,测量时位移量先经过电感式接近开关转换为模拟量输出至处理电路,经过数模转换模块转换为数字量后,最终处理信号在单片机进行输出。
  3. 机械支架结构用于固定,校准传感器。机械支架由主支架、液压缓冲、测头部分、挡板四部分组成,其中液压缓冲装置用于降低回转窑现场测量时传感器的扰动,测头部分则用于夹紧传感器,在安装调试时可微调传感器进行对准。



As a large cement production equipment, Rotary kiln is mainly composed of barrel, wheel tire, supporting device supporting wheel, transmission gear and other components. In industrial production, the rotary kiln will produce irregular channeling along the axis of the shell. How to monitor and control the axial channeling of the rotary kiln has always been an important issue concerned by the rotary kiln industry. As a large heavy-duty industrial equipment, rotary kiln works under harsh conditions and generally has problems such as high temperature and high disturbance in the working environment, so it is difficult to detect the axial displacement. In recent years, single chip microcontroller has been widely used in many fields because of its powerful function, high reliability and affordable price.The application of single chip microcomputer combined with the rotary kiln axial detection technology makes the measurement of the rotary kiln axial channal more convenient and reliable and the cost is low, which will become the main direction of development in the future. The main contents of this paper are as follows:

  1. Analysis and study the existing on axial displacement detection scheme, on the basis of the existing scheme to design a set of processing chip AD598 and SCM system as the core of the rotary kiln axial displacement online measuring device, the device has carried on the comparison and selection of components, and the design of hardware part measurement bracket, for rotary kiln axial channeling in the online dynamic measurement device research and development has provided a new way of thinking.
  2. The on-line measuring device is composed of an electronic measuring system and a mechanical support structure. The electronic measuring system is divided into four parts: sensor, processing circuit and excitation source, AD conversion and signal acquisition.The electrical measurement system is used to measure the axial displacement of the rotary kiln. During the measurement, the displacement is first converted into analog quantity by inductance proximity switch and then output to the processing circuit. After being converted into digital quantity by the DIGITal-analog conversion module, the final processing signal is output in the single chip microcomputer.
  3. The mechanical support structure is used to fix and calibrate the sensor. The mechanical support is composed of the main support, hydraulic buffer, probe part and baffle, among which the hydraulic buffer device is used to reduce the disturbance of the sensor during the field measurement of rotary kiln, and the measuring head is used to clamp the sensor, and the sensor can be fine-tuned for alignment during installation and debugging.

Key words: rotary kiln;  dynamic measurement; axial movement; approach switch

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 对回转窑轴向位移规律的分析 4

2.1.1托轮的结构 5

2.1.2 轴向力与回转窑轴向位移的关联 6

2.2 轴向力对回转窑可能的影响 6

第三章 测量装置的介绍 7

3.1 测量装置的组成 7

3.2 传感器 7

3.3 处理电路及激励源 10

3.4 数模转换模块 10

整体系统图 11

第四章 支架结构设计 12

4.1 设计要求 12

4.2 设计思路图 13

4.3 整体结构与工作原理 14

4.4 主支架 17

4.5 液压缓冲装置 19

4.6 测头部分 22

4.7 挡板 24

第五章 测量前的准备工作安装与调节 25

5.1 传感器的安装 26

5.2 实际的监测阶段 27

5.3 本章小结 27

第六章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30


1.1 回转窑发展概况



我国水泥产量已连续十多年位居世界第一,据报道,中国在 2011 ~ 2013 年消耗了 66.51 亿吨水泥。2013 ~ 2014 年间,中国水泥产量达到了48.6 亿吨。


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