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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 岩土工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:15:24  

摘 要



分析实验数据后可得到结论:(1)在高温高压下,压裂液可以导致页岩软化。(2)随着时间的推移,页岩软化会导致力学性能的退化。(3)对于A组侵蚀速率: 。(4)对于S-1和S-2组,在高温高压环境下,受侵蚀的速率较快,在受较短时间侵蚀后,其力学性能产生大幅度下降。(5)受侵蚀后的页岩断裂韧性降低,断裂韧性值与杨氏模量值正相关。(6)页岩受侵蚀后内部产生多条微裂缝,浸泡时间越长,产生微裂缝越多,且缝宽越大。(7)页岩在受压裂液浸泡后,内部的部分有机物会溶解,部分碳酸盐会与压裂液发生反应,是导致页岩软化的因素之一。



In the process of drilling to obtain shale gas, the problem of shale gas production reduction often occurs because of the softening erosion of shale after contacting with fracturing fluid. Therefore, the microscale indentation experiment is carried out to study the changes of shale mechanical characteristics parameters and the mechanism of shale corrosion and softening in fracturing fluids after high temperature and high pressure.

In this project, the micrometer indentation method is adopted. By sampling the core of the shale and carrying out the micro indentation test on the sample to replace the complicated and high cost three axis compression experiment, the load and depth of each indentation can be obtained directly after the experiment, and the curves of load and depth of indentation can be obtained, and then the data of the elastic modulus and hardness can be obtained by processing the experimental data through the calculation software.Fracture toughness is calculated by formula.

After analyzing the experimental data, it can be concluded that: (1) At high temperature and high pressure, fracturing fluid can cause shale softening. (2) As time goes on, shale softening will lead to degradation of mechanical properties.(3) Erosion rate for group:(4)For S-1 and S-2 groups, under high temperature and high pressure environment, the rate of erosion is faster, and the mechanical properties of S-1 and S-2 groups decrease significantly after a short period of erosion.(5) After erosion, the fracture toughness of shale decreases, and the value of fracture toughness is positively related to the value of Young's modulus.(6)The shale produced multiple cracks inside, and the longer the soaking time, the more micro cracks were produced,the larger the fracture width is.(7) When the shale is soaked in the fracturing fluid, some of the organic matter will dissolve, and some carbonate will react with the fracturing fluid, which is one of the factors leading to shale softening.

Keywords: microindentation; elastic modulus; hardness; fracture toughness

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 对页岩性质的研究 1

1.2.2 对压痕实验的研究 4

1.3 研究的技术路线 5

第2章 微米压痕实验机理的研究 7

2.1 微米压痕实验测量岩样的硬度 7

2.2 微米压痕实验测量岩样的杨氏模量 9

2.3 微米压痕实验测量岩样的断裂韧性 10

2.4 页岩各向异性对压痕实验的影响 11

2.5 pop-in效应对断裂韧性的影响 12

第3章 微米压痕实验的实施 14

3.1 实验仪器与工具 14

3.2 实验要求与实验方案及参数选取 15

3.2.1 实验要求 15

3.2.2 实验方案及参数选取 16

3.3 实验步骤 19

3.3.1 岩样制备 19

3.3.2 岩样的处理 19

3.3.3 对岩样的微米压痕实验 20

第4章 实验结果与分析 23

4.1 岩样压痕实验弹性模量的结果分析 23

4.2 岩样压痕实验硬度的结果分析 32

4.3 岩样压痕实验断裂韧性的结果分析 40

第5章 结论与建议 46

5.1 结论 46

5.2 建议 47

参考文献 48

致谢 55

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的与意义


页岩致密、渗透率低,开采难度大。水平井多级压裂是经济开采页岩气资源的重要技术,依靠大量滑溜水压裂液在储层中产生复杂裂缝网络,以实现页岩储层体积压裂改造。[35]国内外页岩气储层压裂改造施工中,压裂液返排率普遍低于 30%。[1]还有统计表明,返排率越低产能越高。但结合最新国内外实际工程数据显示,新井的天然气产量前几个月较高,但后期会迅速下降,产生该现象的主要原因之一是页岩与压裂液之间的相互作用,使得页岩软化,导致支撑剂嵌入加深,因此,研究压裂液与页岩相互作用实际工程中页岩气产量提升及预测有重要意义。


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