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 2021-10-27 21:59:25  

摘 要


为了得到比较清晰的人脸图像,本文采用维纳滤波和直方图均衡相结合来去除图像模糊,同时在人脸识别前对图片进行了对齐、裁剪、归一化的预处理。本文搭建的神经网络模型以LeNet-5 网络为基础,将其卷积层的核数量增加到64,同时将5×5的卷积核用两层3×3大小的卷积核替代来减少参数,使用ReLU函数替代Sigmoid函数作为激活函数,利用dropout技术来增加网络泛化能力,使用处理过的ORL数据库和自己采集的样本作为训练集来训练系统神经网络,最终得到的人脸识别系统能够对摄像头拍摄到的模糊人脸图像进行图像去模糊处理得到比较清晰的人脸图像,并且最终能够以较高精度识别出图片上的模糊人脸。



Face recognition is one of the research hotspots in the field of artificial intelligence such as deep learning and pattern recognition in recent years. It uses human facial features to perform identity recognition. It belongs to the scope of computer vision research. In the past, face recognition systems performed people under harsh conditions. Face recognition is very difficult. In order to solve this problem, this paper designs a fuzzy face recognition system based on convolutional neural network, which includes the acquisition of face images, deblurring of face images, face detection, face image pre-processing Five modules for processing and face recognition.

In order to get a clearer face image, this paper uses a combination of Wiener filtering and histogram equalization to remove image blur, and at the same time, the image is pre-processed for alignment, cropping and normalization before face recognition. The neural network model built in this paper is based on the LeNet-5 network, increasing the number of cores in its convolution layer to 64, and replacing the 5 × 5 convolution kernel with two layers of 3 × 3 convolution kernels to reduce parameters , Use the ReLU function instead of the Sigmoid function as the activation function, use the dropout technology to increase the network generalization ability, use the processed ORL database and the samples collected by yourself as the training set to train the system neural network,。The resulting face recognition system can deblur the blurred face images captured by the camera to obtain clearer face images , And can finally recognize the blurred face on the picture with higher accuracy.

Keywords: face recognition;Image deblurring;Convolutional neural network


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究的内容和目标 2

第2章 神经网络和图像去模糊 3

2.1 前馈神经网络 3

2.1.1 网络结构 3

2.1.2 目标函数和参数更新 4

2.1.3 激活函数 5

2.2 卷积神经网络 5

2.2.1 卷积层 6

2.2.2 池化层 7

2.3 图像去模糊和图像增强 7

2.3.1人脸图像去模糊 7

2.3.2 人脸图像增强 8

第3章 系统设计 11

3.1 图像去模糊和图像增强 11

3.1.1 维纳滤波 11

3.1.2 限制对比度自适应直方图均衡 11

3.2 神经网络模型 12

3.2.1 LeNet-5网络模型 12

3.2.1 改进的LeNet-5模型 13

第4章 模型训练 16

4.1 人脸数据集 16

4.2 图片预处理 16

4.3 训练神经网络 17

第5章 人脸识别系统 19

5.1 系统组成 19

5.2 系统测试 19

5.2.1 图片获取 20

5.2.2 图像去模糊 20

5.2.3 人脸检测 20

5.2.4 人脸图像预处理 21

5.2.5 人脸识别 21

5.3 系统测试结果与分析 21

5.3.1 系统测试结果 21

5.3.2 系统的优缺点 22

第6章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的和意义

智能系统越来越多地出现在人们的生活中,在使用智能系统时往往需要对其进行识别。传统的身份识别方法主要是对具有某些个人特征的个人进行识别,如身份证件、证件、钥匙等,存在明显的不足。它们很容易被遗忘、丢失或伪造。如果你用一些个人特征来识别,效果会相当不错,比如: 人脸识别、指纹识别、语音识别、虹膜识别等等。


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