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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-10-26 22:35:10  

摘 要




In recent years, with the development of Internet, 5g, artificial intelligence and other new generation communication technologies, the nonlinear tolerance of traditional optical fiber is small, and the transmission capacity is more and more close to the Shannon limit. In order to further expand the capacity of optical fiber communication, the frontier applications based on photonic crystal fiber are gradually emerging. Due to its flexible and adjustable optical properties, PCF has been widely used in optical fiber communication and sensing. The cladding of PCF consists of multilayer air holes. The number, size and distribution of air holes have an important influence on the characteristics of light transmission in the core. By adjusting the parameters of the air hole, the PCF has the characteristics of few modes. This kind of optical fiber can be used for temperature, strain and other sensing, as well as mode division multiplexing. In this paper, on the basis of cognitive understanding, we will understand the analysis principle of PCF, and independently design a PCF with few mode characteristics. We will use COMSOL to analyze and compare the characteristics of the fiber, and analyze the reasons for the influence of different parameters on various characteristics of the fiber under similar structure, and analyze the sensing and mode division multiplexing of PCF with our own cases And so on.

Key words: Photonic crystal fiber; COMSOL; Mode division multiplexing

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究背景 1

1.2光子晶体光纤概述 2

1.2.1光子晶体光纤概念 2

1.2.2少模光纤 2

1.2.3光子晶体光纤的传感与模分复用 3

1.3国内外光子晶体的现状发展 4

1.4 本文结构安排 5

第2章 相关原理与方法 6

2.1少模 PCF 的设计原理 6

2.1.1光子晶体光纤截面结构 6

2.1.2光子晶体光纤的制造工艺 7

2.1.3 少模光子晶体光纤的模式分析 7

2.2光子晶体光纤的数值分析方法 8

2.3 光纤的损耗和色散 9

2.3.1光纤的损耗 9

2.3.2光纤中的色散损耗 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第3章 光子晶体光纤的特性研究 11

3.1光子晶体光纤设计过程 11

3.1.1模型建立与导入 11

3.1.2配置物理参数和网格划分 12

3.1.3 求解与结果分析 12

3.2 光子晶体光纤特性分析 13

3.2.1模场特性 13

3.2.2限制损耗 14

3.2.3有效模式面积 15

3.2.4色散分析 16

3.3本章小结 17

第4章 实际应用与价值 18

4.1光子晶体光纤在传感方面应用 18

4,1.1应力应变传感 18

4.1.2温度传感 19

4.2光子晶体光纤传输方面应用 21

第5章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论




如今,人们已经通过调整光纤的相位幅度、偏振态,或者通过波分复用以及多芯光纤的手段来拓宽光纤通信系统的容量大小,多种方式的衍生导致了通信体系难以集成化,在成本消耗和复杂程度上给管理者带来了巨大的不利。近年来,通过利用光纤中不同模式进行复用的方式成为了研究热点,基于光子晶体光纤 的模分复用(Mode Division Multiplexing,MDM)成为大容量光传输系统技术进一步推动和发展的必然选择。

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