2021-10-26 21:59:09
摘 要
China's e-commerce industry continues to develop with the advancement of Internet technology, and online shopping has also become the main choice shopping model of the general public. However, with the expansion of the online shopping market, a new type of illegal behavior, online click farming, has appeared in our country. Due to the lack of specific regulations for this behavior , the online click farming has formed a preliminary industrial chain which has seriously affected the development of China's e-commerce industry. Therefore, it’s extremely urgent to regulate online click farming in order to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and other competitors, as well as the healthy competition in China's e-commerce industry.
In this article, online click farming is the object of study. The first part is an introduction, which gives a comprehensive overview of the background, significance and research status. The second part gives an overview of the online click farming,including the definition, forming reasons and damaging effects. The third part is the legal regulation of the online click farming. According to the relevant legal provisions to identify the legal nature of this behavior and the legal responsibility of each subject. The fourth part is based on the existing regulatory system and presents the shortcomings. The fifth part provides some new ideas for our country based on the foreign regulation measures of similar problems. At last, in view of the inadequacy of the fourth part, the sixth part proposes some corresponding measures.
Key words: online click farming; e-commerce; legal regulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 网络刷单行为的概述 3
2.1 网络刷单行为的含义 3
2.2 网络刷单行为产生的原因 3
2.2.1 电商平台的搜索排名机制 3
2.2.2 消费者的购物心理 4
2.2.3 网络刷单成本低、收益高 4
2.3 网络刷单行为的危害性 4
2.3.1 网络刷单行为破坏了市场竞争秩序 4
2.3.2 网络刷单行为侵害了消费者和同行业竞争者的权益 5
2.3.3 网络刷单行为造成电子商务行业信誉的下降 5
第3章 现有法律对网络刷单行为的规制 6
3.1 网络刷单行为属于侵权行为 6
3.2 网络刷单行为是不正当竞争行为 7
3.3 网络刷单行为可能构成非法经营罪 8
第4章 现有制度对网络刷单行为规制的不足 9
4.1 举证责任分配和证据采纳存在缺陷 9
4.2 归责主体范围狭隘 9
4.3 执法部门不统一 10
4.4 处罚形式单一 11
第5章 其他国家法律规制经验对我国的启示 12
5.1 明确电商平台的义务 12
5.2 丰富监督形式 12
5.3 构建行业法律体系 13
第6章 对网络刷单行为规制的完善 15
6.1 完善举证和证据采纳制度 15
6.2 明确主体范围和主体责任 15
6.3 设立独立的执法部门 16
6.4 丰富处罚形式 17
结论 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 20
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义