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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:52:15  

摘 要






In recent years, under the vigorous development of relevant research institutions, water jet propulsion technology has achieved rapid development. At present, water jet propulsion technology has been widely used in high-speed and high-performance ships, and has achieved good results. However, its low propulsion efficiency at low and medium speeds makes it difficult to apply to low and medium speed ships. In order to expand the application range of water jet propulsion technology, and respond to my country's economic transformation and upgrading and ship optimization reform, this paper proposes and attempts to install high power density, low energy loss immersion water jet propulsion on medium and low speed inland transport ships.

In order to combine the submersible water jet propeller with the inland water transport ship, this paper designs a new type of ship-submersible water jet propulsion inland water transport ship. In the design of the ship type, this article is divided into two parts: the design of the grooveless ship type without considering the channel of the submerged water-jet propeller and the design of the channel ship type of the channel considering the installation of the propeller. First, this paper uses parametric design methods to design six types of grooveless ship types based on the stern characteristic line control parameters, and uses the ship's computational fluid dynamics to predict the resistance performance of each plan corresponding to the ship model, and select the best Ship type. Then, the channel design of the preferred non-groove ship is designed. Six channel design schemes are proposed by changing the position of the channel and the length of the channel inlet channel, and the resistance performance of each design scheme is numerically predicted. The best solution is presented; finally, the designed ship type is combined with a submersible water-jet propulsion, and a self-propelled numerical simulation is carried out on the ship model to predict the speed of the ship at the designed speed.

The purpose of this study is to try to apply submerged jet propulsion to shallow draft, large load, medium and low speed inland transportation ships, and to provide a technical reference for exploring the feasibility of this new type of propulsion application on inland ships.

Keywords: Inland river transport vessels; Submersible water jet; Parametric design; ship computation fluid dynamics

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 喷水推进技术发展现状 1

1.1.2 浸没式喷水推进技术研究现状 2

1.1.3 内河运输船现状 3

1.2 研究目的及意义 4

1.2.1 研究目的 4

1.2.2 研究意义 4

1.3 研究内容 4

第二章 浸没式喷水推进内河运输船参数化设计与建模 6

2.1 参数化设计方法 6

2.2 无槽船参数化设计与建模 6

2.2.1确定船舶主尺度 7

2.2.2 船舶总体形状设计 7

2.2.3 特征型线设计 8

2.3 浸没式喷水推进槽道设计 12

2.3.1 浸没式喷水推进器 12

2.3.2 槽道设计 14

第三章 浸没式喷水推进内河运输船阻力预报及船型优选 16

3.1 船舶计算流体力学概述 16

3.1.1 船舶计算流体力学发展现状 16

3.1.2 船舶计算流体力学优势 16

3.1.3 船舶计算流体力学应用程序 17

3.2 船舶数学模型的建立 18

3.2.1 计算域的建立 18

3.2.2 网格的划分 19

3.2.3 边界条件的设置 21

3.3 无槽船型的阻力预报及优选 22

3.4 槽道的优选 29

第四章 优选船型快速性预报 32

第五章 结论及展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 40

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 喷水推进技术发展现状


船舶喷水推进技术的发展可以追溯到17世纪60年代,至今已有近360年历史。喷水推进技术的发展源于英国人Tugude和Haiss在1661年获得的喷水推进系统的早期专利,Tugude和Haiss根据该专利开发并建造了一个简单的喷水装置,可惜在最初的研究中,这个装置并没有安装到实船上[1]。直到1839年,英国人Morries申请了液压泵推进专利,设计并开发了Morries喷水推进系统。在1883年,Morries喷水推进系统安装在一艘名为“喷射器”的喷水推进船上[2],它是首个安装在实船上的喷水推进器。19世纪末,美国人佩恩(William Penn)和纽豪斯(John newhouse)设计了由柴油发动机驱动的间歇式喷水推进器。该推进装置将柴油机和推进器结合在一起,利用柴油机活塞的向下垂直运动将水从喷口喷出[3]。在20世纪初期,相关学者又发明了一种底板式喷水推进装置,该装置安装在船底并通过垂直安装的叶轮工作,将水从叶轮侧面吸入,经过叶轮叶片加速后,水流沿叶轮的切线方向喷向船尾[2]。在20世纪中叶,Hamilton公司开始开发用于汽艇和渡船的艉板式喷水推进器。随后,军方也开始关注了这种艉板式喷水推进器,不断加大研究力度,因此喷水推进技术得到了飞速的发展。目前,绝大多数喷水推进船都采用艉板式喷水推进器。


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