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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:30:17  

摘 要





Transportation has always been the focus of China's modernization drive. Since 1978, China's road construction has made rapid progress and developed rapidly. At present, it has initially formed a network of highways in some regions, and the length of traffic in China has reached 484.65 kilometers, which has reached the world-class level. As an indispensable part of road construction, road design plays an important role.

This design is the national highway main line G40 shanxi section 4 standard road design, the route length of more than 5,000 kilometers. In the design, the highway grade and design speed are determined according to the traffic volume first. Then carry on the plane design, the vertical section design and the cross section design in the topographic map, and prepare two plans to compare and choose, choose the better plan to carry on the following design. Both schemes must meet the specifications and design requirements. Then began the roadbed design. Firstly, the standard and typical cross-sectional maps were drawn, and the dimensions of side ditches, cross slope of road arches and position of retaining walls were clearly marked. Then, the cross-sectional maps of the specified 1-2km section were drawn. Then carry on the design calculation of retaining wall and slope protection, and draw three views of retaining wall. Pavement design to design two schemes, a asphalt pavement, a cement concrete pavement, and the comparison. Finally, carry out the drainage design of the road, and draw, organize all the drawings and forms.

Key words: Road design; Route design; Subgrade design; Pavement design; Drainage design


第1章 绪论 6

1.1 中国公路发展概况 6

1.2 选题的意义 7

1.3 项目概况 7

1.3.1 地形地质 7

1.3.2 地震 8

1.3.3气候水文 8

1.4 设计主要内容 8

第2章 路线 9

第3章 路基 23

3.1路基横断面设计 23

3.1.1横断面设计步骤 23

3.1.2路拱横坡度确定 23

3.1.3边坡坡率与高度 24

3.1.4路基宽度 24

3.1.5超高计算举例 24

3.1.6路基压实标准 25

3.1.7路基高度设计 26

3.2路基土石方数量计算与调配 26

3.2.1路基土石方调配原则 26

3.2.2土石方调配方法 26

3.3路基防护与支挡结构设计 27

3.2.1路基坡面防护 27

3.2.2挡土墙设计 27

第4章 路面 32

4.1沥青路面设计 32

4.1.1设计资料 32

4.1.2交通数据调查 32

4.1.3轴载换算 33

4.1.4初拟路面结构方案 34

4.1.5路面结构验算 35

4.1.6设计路面结构的验收弯沉值 36

4.2水泥混凝土路面设计 37

4.2.1设计资料 37

4.2.2轴载计算 37

4.2.3路面结构初拟 38

4.2.4路面设计计算 38

4.3方案比选 40

第5章 路基排水设计 41

5.1路基排水设计的一般原则 41

5.2路基排水设计 41

1)边沟 41

2)截水沟 42

3)排水沟 42

4)急流槽 42

第6章 涵洞设计 43

6.1涵洞位置确定 43

6.2涵洞类型选择 43

6.3涵洞尺寸确定 43

第7章 结论 44

参考文献 45

致 谢 46

第1章 绪论

1.1 中国公路发展概况



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