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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:30:10  

摘 要

Abstract I

1.概述 1

1.1自然地理特征 1

1.1.1地形地貌 1

1.1.2地质 1

1.1.3地震 1

1.1.4气候 1

1.1.5水文 1

1.1.6沿线筑路材料情况 1

1.2道路等级和车道数的论证 2

1.2.1交通量 2

1.2.2道路等级的确定 3

1.2.3设计速度的确定 4

1.2.4车道数的确定 4

1.2.5结论 4

1.3技术标准论证 4

1.3.1直线长度 4

1.3.2圆曲线半径 4

1.3.3缓和曲线最小长度 5

1.3.4平曲线最小长度 5

2.路线设计 6

2.1道路选线的原则 6

2.2路线方案比选 6

2.3平面设计 6

2.4竖曲线设计 8

2.4.1技术标准的论证 8

2.4.2竖曲线几何要素 9

2.4.3设计高程计算 9

2.5横断面设计 10

2.5.1主要设计指标 10

2.5.2横断面的组成 11

2.5.3路拱横坡的确定 11

2.5.4弯道的超高和加宽 11

3.路基设计 13

3.1路基横断面设计 13

3.1.1路基宽度 13

3.1.3填方路基 13

3.1.4挖方路基 13

3.1.5半填半挖路基 14

3.2路基填土与压实 14

3.3挡土墙设计 14

3.3.1设计资料 14

3.3.2拟定尺寸 15

3.3.3车辆荷载换算 15

3.3.4破裂棱体位置的确定 15

3.3.5计算主动土压力及其作用点位置 16

3.3.6土压力对墙趾力臂计算: 17

3.3.7抗滑及抗倾覆稳定验算 17

3.3.8基底应力和合理偏心距验算 18

3.4边坡防护 19

3.4.1土质分析与防护植物选择 19

3.4.2边坡防护的形式 19

3.5排水设计 19

3.5.1排水设计的原则 19

3.5.2路基排水设计 19

3.6土石方的调配 20

3.6.1土石方调配的原则 20

3.6.2土石方调配的方法 20

4.路面设计 21

4.1沥青路面设计 21

4.1.1方向系数和车道系数 21

4.1.2路面设计交通荷载等级 21

4.1.3车辆交通分类TTC(truck traffic classification) 21

4.1.4车辆类型分布系数VCDF 22

4.1.5当量设计轴载换算系数EALF 22

4.1.6设计车道单位大型客车和货车的当量设计轴载换算系数 23

4.1.7设计年限内设计车道累计当量设计轴载作用次数 23

4.1.8路面结构的设计与验算 23

4.2水泥混凝土路面设计 25

4.2.1交通量调查分析与预测 25

4.2.2初拟路面结构 26

4.2.3路面材料参数确定 27

4.2.4计算地基综合回弹模量 28

4.2.5荷载应力计算 28

4.2.6温度应力计算 28

4.2.7结构极限状态校核 29

4.3方案比选 30

5.通道与涵洞设计 31

5.1通道设计 31

5.1.1公路与乡村道路相交叉 31

5.1.2车行通道的净空应符合的规定 31

5.1.3通道设置 31

5.2涵洞设计 31

5.2.1涵洞设计的原则 31

5.2.2涵洞设置 31

6.结论 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34






China's economic development is also driving the improvement of the highway network. The scale and technical level of China's highway construction have ranked among the forefront of the world.The economic development of the surrounding areas is largely affected by highway construction.

This design is the construction drawing design of the fifth section of the G40 Shanxi section of the national trunk road. This design section is in southwestern Shanxi. The terrain is flat here and the overall height difference is small. In the design process, the road class is first determined as a two-way six-lane highway based on traffic volume, with a design speed of 100 km / h. Then, the line selection work was carried out on the topographic map, the two plans were designed in plane and vertical sections, and the two plans were compared and selected according to factors such as linear indicators, engineering volume, and demolition volume.Finally, the first plan is set as the recommended plan and was designed in detail.The recommended solution has 3 intersections, and each intersection has an ultra-high transition section.The longitudinal section is provided with 5 slope changing points, and each slope section meets the design requirements of minimum slope length 250m and minimum longitudinal slope 3%.A shoulder retaining wall is set on the road section with high fill, and a water interception ditch is set on the road section with excavation.This design gives two schemes for asphalt pavement and cement pavement. Through calculation and comparison, asphalt pavement is finally determined.According to the terrain, drainage and other conditions, 2 bridge channels and 3 water culverts were set up.According to the design results and data, use CAD to draw the design drawings and tables .

Keywords:highway;route design;subgrade design;pavement design;retaining wall design

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