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 2021-10-15 20:58:17  

摘 要


本文对于大学生信贷消费的风险研究,通过阅读文献,关注时事,设立调查问卷分析武汉理工大学生信贷消费市场特征,发现我校大学生对信贷产品认识不足,普及度不够,但学生信用意识较好,有巨大的发展空间。进而对大学生信贷消费影响因素进行了研究,发现不同家庭来源地和不同年级等因素对于信贷风险影响不同, 后基于调查问卷提出相关的对策建议。



With economic development and consumption concept step by step innovation, professional consumer finance company, part of the electronic business platform and P2P platforms have entered the field of small consumer loans, credit markets cooled campus as their new target, with the increase of college students mining campus credit markets, brought rapid development of the campus credit markets. With the promotion of consumer credit, consumer credit for the consumers a better shopping experience, but this small consumer credit payment behind it bears the risk control problems also led to extensive discussion. In past experience, in 2003, when South Korea vigorously promote the credit card industry, the total issuing breakthrough 100 million, per capita population aged over 15 has four credit cards, causing consumer debt delinquency ratio increased, the total amount of credit card debt to domestic expansion 14% of GDP, triggering "credit card crisis"; while China in 2005 and 2008 due to the campus credit card market disorderly competition, also make credit card market in the campus getting lonely. This year's entering college students on campus network lending market again gives vitality.In this paper, consumer credit risk in college students, through the establishment of questionnaire analysis of Wuhan University of Technology consumer credit market characteristics, consumer credit behavior factors and the problems that exist in the university student credit consumption, and thus on consumer credit factors college students were studied, in order to as inspiration, trying to come from college students to promote students to establish proper financial management concepts and to promote consumer credit markets stabilize students develop a rational choice perspective of consumption。

In this paper, by reading literature, current events concerned, the establishment survey analysis of Wuhan University Students consumer credit market characteristics, I found college students lack of understanding of credit products, popularity is not enough, but student credit awareness is better, huge space for development. Further influencing factors on consumer credit college students were studied and found that different families and different grades of Origin for factors such as the effects of different credit risks, based on the questionnaire, after the relevant countermeasures.

Key Words:Consumer credit; Internet financial; Credit card; Shopping by stage

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 本文研究内容与框架 2

第2章 大学生信贷发展现状 1

2.1 信用卡 1

2.1.1 商业模式 1

2.1.2 发展现状及风险研究 1

2.2 分期购物平台 2

2.2.1 商业模式 2

2.2.2 发展现状及风险研究 3

2.3 助学贷款 4

2.3.1 商业模式 4

2.3.2 发展现状及风险研究 5

第3章 基于我校大学生调查的信贷消费表现分析 1

3.1 问卷设计与调查 1

3.2 问卷信度检验 1

3.3 样本特征描述 1

3.3.1 性别比例 1

3.3.2 年级比例 2

3.3.3 生活费来源 2

3.4 信贷动机识别 3

3.4.1 理财意识 3

3.4.2 消费项目 4

3.4.3信贷消费原因 4

3.5信贷消费情况 5

3.5.1信贷平台选择 5

3.5.2信用消费金额 6

3.6风险表现 6

3.6.1消费者还款情况 6

3.6.2对所选择的信贷消费方式了解情况 7

3.7市场预期 8

3.7.1信贷消费影响 8

3.7.2对市场未来前景的态度 9

第4章 信贷消费风险影响因素分析 1

第5章 大学生信贷消费风险管理建议 1

5.1指导大学生学会理财 1

5.2信贷平台优化产品质量 1

5.3 建立风险信息共享机制。 1

5.4 政府完善相关法律法规 2

参考文献 2

附 录A 关于本校大学生信贷消费的现状调查 1

致 谢 1

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

大学生是中国消费群体中特殊而中坚的一批人,由于对新事物乐于接受和学习,他们对各类消费需求旺盛也引领着消费潮流,不少大学生由于学业、理财、创业存在资金需求,潜在市场规模达千亿元。自2004年广发银行信用卡中心发行了第一张面向学生的信用卡后,招商银行、中国建行等多家银行将大学生群体纳入信用卡目标用户范围,大学生开启了信贷消费的新潮流,截止2008年,国内大学生持卡人比例上升到37%,但是由于大学生缺乏还款能力和消费自制力,2005至2008年期间在大学生持卡人数不断攀升的同时大学生信用卡的逾期还款率也不断上升 ,被花样繁多的营销策略吸引的学生为了获取小礼品而办理额外的信用卡以致睡眠率、坏账率高居不下,最终2009年银监会发布《关于进一步规范信用卡业务的通知》,银行业金融机构决定控制办卡条件,设置高门槛紧缩发卡。

然而大学生消费贷款市场却没有因为信用卡遇冷而停止发展,反而呈现出越加蓬勃的趋势。互联网金融从2007年萌芽,2013年因余额宝的横空出世而被市场所认知,大批投资者和资本进入市场,以P2P为代表的互联网金融市场疯狂加速,十五年前年该市场规模尚不足百亿,两年前年已超过两千亿元,去年年规模超过八千亿元 。伴随互联网金融的不断升温,Peer-to-peer平台、分期平台和专业消费金融公司纷纷加大对校园信贷市场的支持,带来校园信贷市场的快速发展,前几年因停办大学生信用卡而冷却的高校消费信贷市场如今正在重新升温。

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