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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-10-06 12:30:21  

摘 要








Optical fiber communication is the main means of modern communication network transmission, in order to achieve the purpose of communication, the use of optical fiber to transmit the information of light. In order to enable the information to be loaded on the transmitter, it must be modulated by the information, then the information is extracted from the light wave and the demodulation is carried out at the receiving end. With the rapid development of optical transmission system, the transmission performance of optical fiber communication system is seriously affected. With the increase of the traffic flow, the advanced modulation method can effectively reduce the transmission damage of the transmission system, and it can improve the spectral efficiency and transmission capacity of the system.

In this paper, the modulation and demodulation methods of 40Gb/s fiber communication system are studied. The main work of this paper includes the following aspects:

Three modulation methods on the optical fiber communication system in the intensity, phase and polarization modulation and demodulation principle to carry on the research analysis, a brief introduction of the key components of advanced modulation formats, and of DQPSK in the system dispersion volume limit and nonlinear effect characteristics.

2 the application of quadrature phase shift keying in optical fiber communication system is studied in this paper. The DP-QPSK system in optical communication is mainly introduced, and its modulation and demodulation methods and main techniques are analyzed briefly.

  1. Research on the differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK precoding and the modulation and demodulation principle, and analyses the different code types of DQPSK transmission performance.

Key words: optical fiber communication; advanced modulation format; QPSK; DQPSK; anti dispersion


中文摘要 I


目录 III

第一章 绪论 4

1.1光纤通信系统的发展及现状 4

1.2光纤通信中的部分技术研究 5

1.3论文研究的目的及意义 6

1.4本文主要工作及章节安排 6

第二章 光纤通信系统中的调制模式 8

2.1光调制模式的概念 8

2.2调制模式的分类 8

2.2.1强度调制模式 8

2.2.2相位调制模式 9

2.3各种调制模式的常用器件 9

2.3.1 基于铌酸锂的相位调制器 10

2.3.2 马赫增德尔调制器 11

2.4 小结 12

第三章 QPSK在光纤通信系统中的应用 13

3.1 DP-QPSK系统简介 13

3.2 QPSK码型调制与解调 14

3.3 相干检测 15

第四章 DQPSK信号特点的研究 18

4.1 DQPSK信号的产生与解调 18

4.1.1 DQPSK信号的预编码 18

4.1.2 DQPSK信号的调制原理 20

4.1.3 DQPSK信号的解调原理 22

4.1.4 DQPSK预编码的应用研究 24

4.2 DQPSK信号的不同码型 26

4.2.1 不同占空比RZ码的产生原理 26

4.2.2 不同调制格式的DQPSK性能分析 28

4.2.3 DQPSK信号的特点 29

4.3 小结 29

第五章 总结与展望 30

致谢 31

参考文献 32

第一章 绪论






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