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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-09-28 19:59:59  

摘 要





The subway station is an important part of the construction of the subway station excavation is often located in the downtown section, close to the built-up, people traffic is heavy, the construction environment is very complex. In particular, must be carried out blasting works, blasting vibration caused by blasting, noise, flying rocks and other hazards control is critical, greater construction risks must be reasonable blasting parameters design and strict control of the construction process. Meanwhile, the excavation process, to pit their supporting structure and security implications adjacent demanding environment, information technology must be achieved by the construction safety monitoring.

Rookie station designed according to Foundation Engineering geologic conditions and its adjacent environment, carried out excavation blasting overall construction program and supporting construction design, the use of controlled blasting method of layering and zoning were excavation blasting Arrangement of Holes hole network parameters and design parameters such as detonating network, while the excavation blasting during construction blasting vibration control and adjacent environmental safety monitoring has been designed for the urban complex environment of deep foundation pit blasting construction methods are discussed

Key Words: The subway station;Foundation pit;Controlled blasting;Safety protection; Safety Monitoring


第1章 绪论 1

第2章 工程概况 3

2.1 站址环境(周边建筑物分布) 3

2.2 地下管线分布 3

2.3地质情况 3

2.4 岩土层特征 4

2.5 地下水情况 5

第3章 围护结构施工方案 7

3.1 新秀站工程重点、难点及对策 7

3.2 基坑围护的形式分类 9

3.2 围护结构施工 10

3.3 土方开挖及支撑结构 10

第4章 爆破施工设计 12

4.1 施工重难点及预防措施 12

4.1.1 施工重难点 12

4.1.2 相应的预防措施 12

4.2 基坑爆破方案   12

4.2.1 起爆器材及炸药的选择 12

4.2.2 总体爆破方案 13

4.2.3 保护层炮孔布置 13

4.2.4 开槽炮孔布置 13

4.2.5 台阶爆破方案 16

4.2.4 保护层爆破方案 17

4.3爆破施工操作要求 18

第5章 爆破安全控制 20

5.1 爆破震动控制 20

5.2 爆破飞石控制 21

5.3 噪音控制措施 22

第6章 安全监测 23

6.1 监测目的 23

6.2 监测原则 23

6.3 监测方案概述 23

6.3.1 监测项目 23

6.3.2 监测断面的设置 24

6.3.3 基坑主体结构监测点布置 24

6.3.4 基坑周边环境监测点布置 24

6.4 基坑自身监测内容及方法 28

6.4.1 地面沉降监测 28

6.4.2 围护桩桩顶水平位移及竖向沉降监测 28

6.4.3 围护结构倾斜监测 28

6.4.4 地下水位监测 28

6.4.5 基坑轴力监测 29

6.5 周边建筑物及管线的保护 29

6.5.1 建筑物保护 29

6.5.2 管线的保护 30

第7章 施工组织设计 32

7.1 施工管理目标 32

7.1.1 安全生产管理目标 32

7.1.2 质量管理目标 32

7.1.3工期管理目标 32

7.1.4 文明施工与环境保护目标 32

7.2 施工机械设备及爆破器材 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论



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