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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-08-24 22:58:44  

摘 要







Since the 21st century, information entered the era of explosive growth, Faced with such a huge and diverse data sources, how to obtain , store and manage resources, how to quickly find the information you need , how to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of information become urgent problems for all sectors. Based on the above , this topic has studied and implemented the distributed web crawler based on Hadoop platform. It aims to use the Hadoop platform which is an open source platform to realize the distributed web crawler system and replace the centralized web crawler, in order to improve the crawling and storage capacity of the system. To achieve this topic, the main work is as follows:

(1) Studying the background of the topic. By the lack of the centralized web crawler extends to the exploration of the distributed web crawler; Studying the Map/Reduce calculation model and HDFS system of the Hadoop platform, this platform is a distributed platform which has good expansibility, fault tolerance and robustness; the Map/Reduce calculation model uses key-value model to deal with the data which is easy to the realization of the distributed process; HDFS distributed file system provide the distribution storage of data, the cooperation of the Map/Reduce calculation model and HDFS distributed file system is a good way to support the implementation of distributed web crawler.

(2) Designing the web crawler system. The system will be realized by five main modules, The modules are divided as follows: distributed crawl module, distributed URL extraction module, distributed URL filter module, similar web pages module and distributed storage module. The distributed crawl module is used to crawl pages according to the URL in the URL queue in the same time; The distributed URL extraction module is used to extract all of the chain links contained in a web page; The similar web pages module is used to compare the Web pages information on the HDFS system and remove duplicate web information in order to avoiding the waste of storage resources; The distributed storage module is used to store all kinds of information data generated by other modules, and in order to storage resources of each module the system designs four storehouses: URL queue repository, link repository, crawled web pages repository, the final resource repository.

(3) Building Hadoop platform and realizing the distributed web crawler system. First installing CentOS operating system on the computer, then configuring the Java environment, using the JDK version of the JDK - 6 u45 - Linux - x64, building Hadoop platform on the based environment ,then realizing each module of the crawler system, finally integrating all modules into a complete system.

Key Words:Hadoop; Web crawler; Distributed; Map/Reduce

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 分布式网络爬虫的国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2 Hadoop平台的国内外研究现状 3

1.3本文主要研究内容及目标 3

第2章 课题相关技术研究 5

2.1 Hadoop平台有关知识 5

2.1.1 HDFS分布式文件系统 5

2.1.2 Map/Reduce计算模型 6

2.2网络爬虫的基本原理 7

2.2.1网络爬虫系统的工作原理 8

2.2.2网络爬虫系统的基本结构 8

第3章 系统的需求分析 10

3.1系统整体需求分析 10

3.2系统功能模块需求分析 10

3.2.1分布式爬取模块需求分析 10

3.2.2分布式URL提取模块需求分析 11

3.2.3分布式过滤URL模块需求分析 12

3.2.4网页去重模块需求分析 12

3.2.5分布式存储模块需求分析 13

第4章 系统的设计及实现 14

4.1系统总体设计 14

4.2各模块详细设计及实现 15

4.2.1分布式爬取模块 15

4.2.2分布式url提取模块 17

4.2.3分布式过滤URL模块 19

4.2.4网页去重模块 22

4.2.5分布式存储模块 25

第5章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 28





为了解决上述问题,人们也采取了许多方法。最初的方法便是增大单台计算机的存储能力、计算能力,为此人们不断提升计算机的软、硬件性能,但提升的速度远远赶不上信息爆炸式增长的速度,想要单单依靠单台计算机去解决这一问题已经成为了不可能的事情。于是Google公司率先提出了变革,其利用自己开发的海量数据计算模型Map/Reduced[2]搭建出了Google计算集群,将许多单个电脑的计算资源联合形成逻辑上为一体的电脑集群,这样用许多低廉的计算机就可以组合成一个具有超强计算能力的集群了;并且Google开发出了分布式文件系统GFS[3]用于存储海量数据;由于这两个技术的实现,Google解决了海量数据的处理问题,其搜索引擎性能得到了极大的改善,并由此提出了云计算平台的开发,在其发布的一篇名为《Web Search For A Planet-The Google Cluster Architecture》[4]的文章中充分体现出了设计思想。但由于Google的技术并不对外公开且其系统的扩展性还不够好,很难供各界学习使用。与此同时,许多公司也相继实现了自己的分布式网络爬虫系统,都有其优缺点。

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