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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-07-13 01:06:17  

摘 要








This paper makes a detailed discussion and analysis about 258 class coastal high-speed passenger ship’s main propulsion power device selection and pipe system design.

The main tasks of the ship power plant are: to provide a variety of energy and the use of these energy, to ensure that the ship's navigation and safety, the normal life and safety of personnel, as well as the completion of a variety of operations, etc.. Therefore, the marine power plant is the production, transmission and consumption of all kinds of energy, equipment and systems of the organic combination. It is an important part of the ship.

The main contents of this paper include the design of the main propulsion power plant and the selection of ship equipment and economic analysis. The design of the main propulsion power plant includes the calculation of the power of the main engine, the selection of the button and the choice of the equipment. Among them, the calculation of the power is used by the Navy coefficient method. The engine room equipment selection is based on empirical formula, host, the mother ship type and so on to determine, including fuel system, a sliding oil system, cooling water system, compression air system, bilge system, ballast water system, fire protection system, life water system and engine room ventilation system.

According to the main auxiliary type and parameters of the ship piping design. Construction specification by empirical formula and high speed passenger ship, the fuel line, lubricating oil system, cooling water system, compressed air system, bilge system, ballast water system, fire protection system, life water system and engine room ventilation system respectively for calculation and selection.

Finally according to the specification of coastal high-speed passenger ship building, completed the 258 class coastal high-speed passenger ship engine room equipment selection and economic analysis.

Key Words:High speed passenger ship, the main propulsion device, dynamic analysis of host selection, equipment selection, economic analysis.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题的背景 1

1.2高速客船的前景 1

1.3论文内容与结构 1

1.3.1 主要研究内容 1

1.3.2 论文结构 2

第2章 主机选型 3

2.1已知条件 3

2.2船舶有效功率的计算 3

2.3 主机选型 4

2.4本章小结 7

第3章船舶动力装置的经济性 8

3.1主机燃料消耗率bz 8

3.2动力装置燃料消耗率bε 8

3.3推进装置的有效热效率 8

3.4每海里航程的燃料消耗量bn 8

3.4本章小结 9

第4章 机舱设备的估算与选型 10

4.1环境参数 10

4.2航行设备 10

4.3燃油系统 11

4.3.1燃油舱容积 11

4.3.2日用油柜容积 12

4.3.3燃油输送泵组 12

4.4.滑油系统 12

4.4.1主机滑油消耗量 13

4.4.2辅机滑油消耗量 13

4.5冷却水系统 13

4.5.1膨胀水箱容积 13

4.5.2冷却泵 14

4.6舱底水系统 15

4.6.1舱底水管 15

4.6.2舱底泵 15

4.6.3舱底水油水分离器 15

4.7消防系统 16

4.7.1水消防系统 16

4.7.2 CO2消防系统 16

4.8生活供水系统 16

4.8.1淡水压力柜总容积 16

4.8.2海水压力柜容积 17

4.8.3压力水柜的供水泵 17

4.9机舱通风管路 18

4.10本章小结 19

第5章 轮机说明书 20

5.1 总述 20

5.2 主机及推进装置 20

5.3 柴油发电机组 20

5.4 机舱布置 20

5.5 轴系 20

5.6 主、辅柴油机控制系统、操舵系统 21

5.7 动力系统 21

5.7.1燃油系统 21

5.7.2滑油系统 21

5.7.3冷却水系统 21

5.7.4排气系统及布置 22

5.8船舶系统 22

5.8.1舱底水系统 22

5.8.2消防系统 22

5.9生活供水系统 23

5.10通风系统 23

5.11防污染系统 23

5.12空调系统 23

5.13全船空气及测量系统 24

5.14 汽笛压缩空气系统 24

第6章 轮机设备明细表 25

第7章 结束语 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论





我国的水运资源丰富, 得天独厚的地理优势为发展水上客货运输提供了优越条件。随着工业化的加剧,经济和技术的发展也对我国水运的发展提出了迫切需求。因此,充分发挥江海水域交通资源优势,因地制宜,大力发展高速水运具有十分重要的意义。高速船兼有技术密集和劳动密集的特点,在中国造船工业发展上具有良好基础和优势。中国国内对高速船有很大的需求,潜在的出口市场也不小,中国高速船的发展有广阔的天地。鼓励发展水上高速客运是中国政府已定的政策,中国造船工业部门也已在科技发展纲要中明确将高速船作为重点发展的船型加以科研“攻关”和安排设计、生产。[8]


1.3.1 主要研究内容



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