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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-07-13 01:02:04  

摘 要







With the rapid economic growth and the improvement of people's living standards in China, the safety on food and quality on product are getting more and more attention from the public. However, the quality and safety issues of industries occur frequently, which make how to ensure the quality and safety of our products becoming a major problem. It is also a question that the government regulatory authorities, enterprises and researchers need solve first. Currently, many countries and regions have launched an extensive and in-depth research on the product traceability, and would establish product traceability system to control product quality.

At present, the meat of things still exist many problems in our country, the main reasons were the unsatisfactory development of key technologies, inadequate network of channels and imperfect meat logistics information systems. Building a meat system of things by the EPC code technology and RFID radio frequency identification technology, the transparency of information of all kinds of meat products could be realized. By applying the network in the node of the throughout meat circulation, so that each circulation could be traced, which made the production efficiency and product quality of the meat improved. People could also eat at ease.

Firstly, the background and significance of the research has been described, the current situation of domestic and international product traceability and networking technology research and application were studied. Secondly, networking technology and related theoretical knowledge retroactive application of the system was analyzed. Besides, the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), EPC coding technology were focused in the paper, and several automatic identification technology were compared and the product traceability technology the system used was obtained through the analysis. Then, through the analysis of the production and distribution of meat products, the paper the meat information traceability system model based on networking technology was designed in the paper, and its main function modules were analyzed and designed.

Through the use of the above several kinds of technology, a whole meat traceability system has been completed and the original goal has reached.

Key words: Internet of Things;RFID;traceability;EPC

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状分析 1

1.3 论文结构与内容安排 2

第2章 食品追溯系统中相关理论和关键技术研究 3

2.1 肉品追溯系统概述 3

2.1.1 追溯的基本概念 3

2.1.2 肉品追溯系统原理 3

2.2 条码自动识别技术 3

2.2.1 一维条码 3

2.2.2 二维条码 4

2.3 射频识别技术 4

2.3.1 RFID工作频率的选择 5

2.3.2 RFID读写器技术 5

2.3.3 防碰撞技术 6

2.3.4 信息安全技术 6

2.4 几种自动识别技术的比较分析 6

2.5 追溯系统中的编码技术研究 7

2.5.1 编码的原则 7

2.5.2 肉品追溯系统中的标识编码的设计 8

第3章 基于物联网技术的肉品追溯系统模型设计 9

3.1 肉品追溯系统模型的总体架构 9

3.2 用户层功能模块分析设计 9

3.2.1 手机客户端 9

3.2.2 浏览器客户端 9

3.2.3 定制软件客户端 10

3.3 应用层功能模块分析设计 11

3.3.1 养殖子系统 11

3.3.2 屠宰子系统 12

3.3.3 分割包装子系统 12

3.3.4 仓储配送子系统 12

3.3.5 销售子系统 13

3.3.6 RFID标签子系统 13

3.3.7 跟踪追溯子系统 13

3.4 数据层功能模块分析设计 13

第4章 肉品追溯系统模型的应用 16

4.1 登陆界面 16

4.2 信息的录入和修改 16

4.3 猪肉信息查询界面 17

4.3.1 养殖场环节的信息查询 17

4.3.2 屠宰加工环节信息查询 18

4.3.3 分割包装环节信息查询 18

4.3.4 仓储配送环节信息查询 19

4.3.5 销售环节信息查询 19

第5章 总结与展望 20

5.1 总结 20

5.2 展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义



1.2 国内外研究现状分析


国外学者Wang通过研究食品可追溯系统,认为食品可追溯系统应该能够对食品从初始生产到最终销售给消费者的全程进行跟踪,并进行信息记录,使消费者所购买食品信息的准确性和真实性得到保证[1]。在食品供应链方面M. Bourlakis在对食品供应链管理的研究中提出,如何保证食品信息在供应链上准确快速的传递是食品供应链管理的基础[2]。在对供应链信息共享的研究方面,国外学者多采用实证研究方法。如Jin等研究了客户和零售商之间是如何进行信息共享的,研究表明零售商的信息共享度与拥有客户数量成正比例关系,信息共享的平台模式对于信息共享也有重要影响[3]

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