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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 22:39:57  

摘 要



关键字:天然气 管道防腐 涂层 阴极保护


With the development of our country's economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for energy, especially clean energy, is increasing. Pipeline transportation is the main way of urban natural gas transportation. Therefore, the safe and efficient operation of urban natural gas pipeline is very important to the city's life, production and so on. Urban natural gas pipeline often buried deep in the ground, because of the complexity of the environment of the pipeline, and the pipe conveying medium itself contains water vapor, H2S, CO2, SO2, and corrosive impurity, it is easy to cause the pipeline corrosion. In this context the graduation design and select a city natural gas pipeline as the object of study, through of a city gas pipeline materials, analysis of the factors affecting the environment of pipeline corrosion, and to develop reasonable anti-corrosion system scheme, thereby slowing down the corrosion rate of the urban natural gas pipeline, increase the service life of the natural gas pipeline, ultimately improve the city a natural gas transmission pipeline operation efficiency.

The content of design is divided into four parts the first part mainly on natural gas pipeline corrosion mechanism and a city natural gas pipeline corrosion influence factors were analyzed and find the main factors affecting the city a natural gas pipeline corrosion. The second part is the selection of the internal corrosion protection coating material and the design of the coating. The third part is mainly about the design of cathodic protection system for natural gas pipeline. The fourth part of the content of the natural gas pipeline internal corrosion protection program. According to the characteristics of pipeline material and reasonable selection of internal anticorrosion coating materials and corrosion inhibitor.

Keywords: natural gas pipeline corrosion protection coating cathodic protect

目 录

绪论 1

1.1腐蚀的定义及防腐研究的目的与意义 1

1.2A城市天然气输气管线概况介绍 2

第2章 天然气管道的腐蚀 3

2.1管道腐蚀机理 3

2.1.1化学腐蚀 3

2.1.2电化学腐蚀 3电化学腐蚀的基本原理 3腐蚀原电池 3

2.1.3物理腐蚀 4

2.2、天然气管道的腐蚀分类 4

2.2.1土壤腐蚀 4

2.2.2大气腐蚀 5

2.2.3杂散电流腐蚀 6

2.2.4微生物腐蚀 7

2.2.5输送物质腐蚀 7

第3章 A城市天然气管道防腐方案设计 9

3.1外防腐方案设计 9

3.2内防腐方案设计 9

3.3此次防腐蚀方案设计 10

第4章 A城市天然气输送管道外防腐涂层的选择 11

4.1 城市天然气输送管道外防腐层的选择原则 11

4.1.1 选用防腐层应该考虑的因素 11

4.1.2几种常见的防腐涂层 11

4.2 A城市天然气输送管道外防腐层的选用 12

4.2.1常用的几种涂层的比较 12

4.2.2A城市天然气管道涂层的选择结果 13

4.3 防腐涂层的施工 14

4.3.1表面处理 14

4.3.2 喷涂 14

4.3.3 涂层的质量检查 14

4.3.4伤口及对接口的修补 15

第5章、A城市天然气管道阴极保护设计 16

5.1 阴极保护设计 16

5.1.1 阴极保护原理 16

5.1.2 阴极保护方法的选择 17

5.1.3阴极保护方法的选用 18

5.2 强制电流法阴极保护系统设计原则 19

5.3.A城市天然气管道阴极保护系统设计 19

5.3.1阴极保护参数选择 19

5.3.2 强制电流法阴极保护管道的计算长度 20

5.3.3 阴极保护站的设置 22

5.3.4管道保护电流的计算 22

5.4 强制电流法阴极保护辅助阳极设计 22

5.4.1 辅助阳极材料的选择 23

5.4.2 辅助阳极的布置 23

5.4.3辅助阳极地床安装及相关要求 24

5.4.4辅助阳极接地电阻 24

5.5强制电流法阴极保护系统的电源设计 26

5.5.1阴极保护法电源设计原则 26

5.5.2常见的电源形式 26

5.5.3强制电流法阴极保护系统的电源功率的计算 26

5.6强制电流法阴极保护设施的安装与施工 27

第6章 A城市天然气管线的内壁防腐探讨 29

6.1天然气管道内部防腐的主要方法 29

6.1.1选用耐蚀金属或者非金属材料 29

6.1.2加注缓蚀剂 29

6.1.3管道的内涂层 30

6.2A城市天然气管道内壁防腐方法探讨 30

6.2.1A城市天然气管道内壁防腐涂层的选择 30

6.2.2A城市天然气管道缓蚀剂选择 31

总结 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第一章 绪论




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