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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 21:29:55  

摘 要





This graduation design is for the construction drawing design of the Dajingwa part of Huji Highway. The content mainly focuses on the design of the highway’s plane alignment, longitudinal profile, cross-section profile and the design of supporting and retaining structure, pavement structure, drainage engineering and the layout of bridges and culverts. Due to the time constraints, some parts of the designs are placed extra emphasis on while some are omitted.

During the design, the main reference materials are the related standards and specifications issued by government, which ensure the design meet the basic requirement. Also, some similar construction projects that have been completed are taken into account as a comparison so that the result won’t largely deviate from the decent outline. According to the traffic volume survey and related data, the road grade and design speed is determined, then the specific linear requirements are available. After that, utilize the topographic map, considering the natural and economic conditions, the route selection is done primarily. Weighing the cost of excavation and filling, design the layout of bridges and culverts. Optimize and adjust the alignment in terms of the comprehensive consideration of plane alignment, longitudinal profile and cross-section profile. Based on the designed route, pavement structure, retaining wall, drainage and other design works are completed afterwards.

Key Words:highway;construction drawing;design;alignment;engineering;structure


§1绪论 1

§1.1设计主要内容概述 1

§1.2设计原则及依据 1

§2设计资料及设计条件分析 2

§2.1项目所在地自然条件 2

§2.1.1地质地貌 2

§2.1.2气候降水 2

§2.2地形图的处理 2

§3道路等级确定和技术标准论证 3

§3.1道路等级论证 3

§3.2道路技术标准论证 4

§3.2.1平面设计要求 4

§3.2.2纵断面设计要求 6

§3.2.3横断面设计要求 9

§3.2.4平纵组合设计要求 10

§3.2.5主要技术指标 11

§4路线方案比较和选择 13

§4.1路线方案选择原则 13

§4.2路线方案的确定 13

§5路线技术设计 17

§5.1纸上定线和平面线形设计 17

§5.2纵断面设计 17

§5.3线形组合设计 17

§5.4横断面设计及路基土石方计算 17

§6路基工程设计 18

§6.1一般要求 18

§6.1.1边坡坡率 18

§6.1.2填筑方式 18

§6.1.3压实要求 19

§6.1.4施工注意事项 20

§6.2挡土墙设计 20

§6.2.1挡土墙设计资料 20

§6.2.2挡土墙设计计算 22

§6.2.3挡土墙施工注意事项 27

§6.3其他防护工程设计 27

§7路面工程设计 28

§7.1路面设计的原则 28

§7.2路面结构形式选择 28

§7.3路面结构计算 28

§7.4路面方案比选 38

§8桥涵布置 40

§8.1一般规定 40

§8.2具体设计 40

参考文献 41

致 谢 42







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