2021-06-25 00:21:01
摘 要
关键词:证券 政府监管 证券法规
Government securities market regulation, refers to the securities regulatory authorities of legal, economic and necessary administrative means, issuance of securities, the issuer, securities trading and other investment behavior and the behavior of intermediaries supervision and management, to maintain order in the stock market and ensure its healthy functioning of the sum of the legal acts for the purpose. Only do proper supervision of the securities market, in order to better protect the interests of investors, and promote stable and healthy economic development. From the perspective of the Securities Act, subject to government regulation as to explore the Perfection of Security Management System.
This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is about the stock market regulatory approach and practical significance, discusses several ways securities regulation, summarizes several major securities markets in several regulatory approach, outlines the meaning of securities regulation. The second part is defined by the securities regulatory, purpose and theoretical analysis. Development and current status of the third part of China's securities market government regulation, summarizes three decades of development history of China's securities market supervision. The fourth part of the government securities market regulatory shortcomings and deficiencies, summarized in various aspects summarized the shortcomings of government regulation. The fifth part, to draw inspiration securities regulators in developed countries, and make recommendations for the improvement of government regulation.
Keywords: Securities government regulation of securities securities laws Government Regulation
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2证券市场的监管方式 1
1.2.1证券市场的自律监管 . 1
1.2.2证券市场的司法监管 1
1.2.3证券市场的政府监管 1
1.3证券市场监管的必要性和意义 2
1.3.1有利于完善证券市场体系 2
1.3.2有利于保护公众投资者的合法权益 2
1.3.3有利于维护良好的市场秩序 2
第2章 证券市场政府监管的定义、目标和理论分析 3
2.1证券市场政府监管的定义 3
2.2证券市场政府监管的目标 3
2.3我国证券市场政府监管的原则特征 3
2.3.1我国证券市场政府监管的原则 3
2.3.2我国证券市场政府监管的特征 4
2.4证券监管的理论分析 4
2.4.1市场监管理论 4
2.4.2政府干预理论 4
第3章我国证券市场政府监管发展和内容 5
3.1我国证券市场政府监管的历史发展 5
3.2我国证券市场政府监管机构与监管内容 5
3.2.1证券发行和上市监管 5
3.2.2证券信息监管 5
3.2.3证券交易市场的监管 6
3.2.4对证券经营机构的监管 6
3.3证券市场政府监管的法律本质 7
3.3.1证券市场政府监管的法律依据具有公私法结合的性质 7
3.3.2证券市场政府监管强调社会本位 7
3.3.3证券市场政府监管旨在平衡各方利益 7
第4章 我国证券市场政府监管存在的主要问题 8
4.1我国证券市场政府监管现状 8
4.2我国证券监管过程中政府角色冲突问题 8
4.3我国证券市场监管中政府职能不足 8
第5章 发达国家证券监管的模式与借鉴 10
5.1发达国家证券市场监管模式及借鉴 10
5.1.1政府主导型的美国证券监管模式 10
5.1.2自律主导型的英国模式 10
5.1.3中间型的法国模式 11
5.1.4国外监管经验的借鉴 11
5.2完善我国证券市场政府监管的对策 11
5.2.1明确证券市场监管中政府的角色定位 11
5.2.2促进证券监管法律体系的完善 12
5.2.3促进证券监管机构改变 12
5.2.4完善信息披露机制 13
参考文献 14
第1章 绪论