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 2021-06-25 00:05:12  

摘 要







In recent years, the nc machine tool by using various, large and small enterprises. Because of its high speed, high efficiency has gradually replaced the traditional handicraft industry, however, the numerical control machine tool also has its disadvantages, the fault happened once inside the machine, the consequence is very serious, will bring huge losses to the enterprise.

In order to prevent the significant effects of machine failure, there must be the fault diagnosis. Timely find fault, the fault elimination before did not have significant consequences. The traditional fault diagnosis technology already cannot satisfy the demand of the new age, can only be diagnosed with a small number of common failures, but most of other frequency is very high and the impact of the very large fault. In this kind of fault, fault accounts for a considerable proportion of spindle box.

In this system, using MATLAB software to analyze the collected data, using neural network algorithm for fault analysis of spindle box, and then the results of the analysis to the use of c # language to write the client, let users grasp the operation of the spindle box can be clear at a glance, timely discover and abnormal state of illness, eliminate the fault before produce huge consequences.

The actual operating results show that the fault diagnosis system can effectively predict the machine tool, so that the reliability of the machine tool is greatly improved.

Key word:numerical control machine ;Spindle box ; Fault detection

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本课题研究的背景与意义 1

1.2数控机床的发展现状 1

1.2.1数控机床简介 1

1.2.2数控机床主轴箱典型故障的振动特征 2

1.3数控机床故障诊断技术的发展概况 3

1.3.1数控机床的故障诊断方法 3

1.3.2 数控机床故障诊断技术的发展新方向 4

1.4小结 4

第2章 数控机床主轴箱故障诊断的总体设计 5

2.1硬件设备的选择 5

2.1.1 传感器的选择 5

2.1.2 传感器的安装 6

2.2 信号采集系统的设计 7

2.2.1 选择测量参数和信号测点 7

2.2.2设置信号采集的基本参数 7

2.3 采集系统的初步设计 7

2.3.1 建立采集系统 7

2.3.2 数据采集类型及选择 9

2.4 小结 10

第3章 信号处理与诊断模型研究 11

3.1数据采集及信号预处理 11

3.1.1零均值化处理 11

3.1.2平滑处理与剔除异点 14

3.2信号时域分析及特征提取 15

3.3信号频域特征分析 18

3.4 基于BP神经网络的故障诊断 20

3.4.1 BP神经网络工作原理 20

3.4.2 输入层和输出层神经元个数的选择 23

3.4.3 隐含层神经元个数的选择 23

3.4.4 BP神经网络训练参数选择 23

3.4.5 滚动轴承状态模式识别 23

3.4.6 BP神经网络模型测试 24

3.5 小结 24

第4章 系统的实现 26

4.1系统开发的环境和开发平台 26

4.2系统的总体设计 27

4.3 采集设计及数据存储 28

4.4系统界面显示 28

4.5小结 30

第5章 总结 31

参考文献 32

附录 33

致谢 37

第1章 绪论




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