2021-06-24 22:46:04
摘 要
关键词:ICSID仲裁; 东道国公共利益; 东道国国内法; 法律适用
With the development of world economy, the international investments between developing and developed countries grow rapidly and the relationship becomes more interactive. During the processes of collisions and collaborations among different country, the requirements for law system of international investment change constantly. Especially, involving disputes of public interest in host countries, the question needs more attention because it has wide coverage. But in the’ arbitration of ICSID, there was a case to safeguard the interests of investors and set the expense of the interests of the host country. In the process of law application in ICSID to protect the public interest, the main problem is the lack of specific provisions for selection, so it’s difficult to determine under the correct correct application of host country law. It should be judged according to the specific circumstances of cases, and for cases of breaking contract and BIT cases should cite different law application. The cases of breaking contract should enhance the application of domestic law, and improve domestic legislation actively. As for cases of violating BIT, it should be ruled more detailed and be limited in the BIT. At the same time, we should limit the scope of the ICSID arbitration to against the abuse of power. After these, we can fully safeguard the public interest of the host country.
Keyword: Big arbitration of the ICSID; Host state's social interest;
The law of host country; Legal application
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.4 创新点 3
第2章 ICSID仲裁对东道国公共利益保护的现状与不足 4
2.1 ICSID仲裁中东道国公共利益保护现状 4
2.2 ICSID仲裁中东道国公共利益保障不力的原因分析 5
第3章 ICSID仲裁中对东道国公共利益保护的法律适用分析 7
3.1 ICSID仲裁中对东道国公共利益保护的法律适用分析 7
3.1.1 《ICSID公约》第42条“法律适用”的分析 7
3.1.2 ICSID机制中对东道国法律适用存在不足 8
3.2 依合同争议提交仲裁案件的公共利益保护存在的法律适用问题 9
3.2.1 合同之诉案件国内审理的缺乏 9
3.2.2 裁定中的公平正义原则,仲裁庭自由裁量权的滥用 9
3.2.3 未明确排除国内法中冲突规则的法律适用 9
3.2.4 仲裁庭对东道国法考察不到位 10
3.3 因违背BIT提交仲裁案件的法律适用问题 10
3.3.1 ICSID仲裁的滥用,范围限制不够明晰 10
3.3.2 “保护伞条款”的滥用 11
3.3.3 一般例外条款设立不充分 11
3.3.4 缺乏“公平公正待遇”的明确解释 11
第4章 从法律适用角度对加强东道国公共利益保护的建议 13
4.1 优先适用国内法保护东道国公共利益及其原因 13
4.2 确立适用国内法保护东道国公共利益的判断标准 13
4.2.1 适用国内法保护公共利益的情况——违背合同案件 14
4.2.2 不适用国内法保护公共利益的情况——违背BIT案件 14
4.3 依合同争议提交仲裁案件的公共利益保护法律适用建议 15
4.4 因违背BIT提交仲裁案件的公共利益保护法律适用建议 16
第5章 结语 18
参考文献 20
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景