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 2021-06-08 00:56:33  

摘 要




Omnimedia era continue to explore and innovation, in order to be able to find the road to the development of the change of the times, the psychology of audience has also undergone a subtle change, dissemination of information is no longer a one-way, audience demand increasingly diversified. Internet transparency, information bursting caused by complexity of the audience receive information, the awakening of self-consciousness, but has not yet formed a mature resolution, coupled with media anomie, leading to public opinion often have partial split. Therefore, the correct analysis of the audience psychology, and on this basis to carry out a reasonable guidance of public opinion is very important. In Omnimedia era, the role of public opinion is becoming increasingly important, not only affects people's thinking, but also affect social stability and harmony, understanding of the characteristics of public opinion and people's psychological help to better control public opinion to deal with sudden public health.This paper aims to explore the effective method of using social media to exert positive energy through analyzing the characteristics of the times of the whole media and the audience's psychology.By analyzing changes in the traditional era of audience psychology and the whole media age audience psychology, as well as analysis of the status quo all media era of the media guide, Problems and Causes Existing analysis, we summarized our country guide public opinion situation, lack of current public opinion to guide work in the presence of and the reasons were analyzed; and through case studies and a large collection and summary of information presented in full media era effectively by analyzing the audience psychological characteristics of changes in public opinion to guide approaches and strategies, and explore how to use the audience psychological guide public opinion play a positive energy method. Influence Through practical cases, analysis of data and literature research methods, all media era audience psychology and public opinion to guide research, analyzes demographic psychological characteristics all media age, and for guiding public opinion.

Key words: Omnimedia;audience psychological;public opinion;public opinion guidance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题的背景 1

1.2 选题的目的及意义 1

1.3 主要研究思路及研究方法 1

第2章 相关概念的阐述 3

2.1 全媒体和受众心理的相关概述 3

2.1.1 “全媒体” 3

2.1.2 全媒体时代传播特征 3

2.2 舆论引导相关概述 3

2.2.1 舆论的概念及作用 3

2.2.2 舆论引导的含义及特征 4

第3章 全媒体时代受众心理分析及意义 5

3.1 传统媒体时代的受众心理 5

3.1.1 获取信息,认知世界 5

3.1.2 寻求心理认同并通过媒体加速社会化进程 5

3.2 全媒体时代受众心理的变迁及特征 5

3.2.1 受众的主体意识更加强烈 5

3.2.2 受众的娱乐、消费和盲从心理逐渐增强 6

3.2.3 受众对待媒体态度的改变 6

3.3 全媒体时代受众心理与舆论引导的关系 6

3.4 全媒体时代的舆论引导的重要意义 7

第4章 受众心理对舆论引导影响作用的现状及问题分析 8

4.1 我国舆论引导的措施及存在的问题 8

4.2 舆论引导存在不足的原因分析 9

第5章 如何利用受众心理引导社会舆论发挥正能量 10

5.1 树立正确对待公共舆论的思想观念 10

5.2 全媒体时代通过传统主流媒体强化舆论引导 10

5.2.1 传统主流媒体要保持自身公信力和权威 10

5.2.2 重视对网络舆情的监测 11

5.3 通过分析受众侧面引导舆论趋向理性 11

5.4 通过提高政府公信力增强舆论引导权威性 12

5.5 完善的引导机制 12

5.6 正确利用媒体作用更好的进行舆论引导 12

第6章 结语 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题的背景


1.2 选题的目的及意义

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