2021-06-08 00:22:59
摘 要
Population problem is the most basic and complicated problem of social and economic development, and it has been concerned by many countries all over the world. The past of the one-child policy, although effective containment of a surge of China's population, and control in the desired range, but also let China advance into an aging society. Therefore, the government adjusted fertility policy in the past few years, from the end of 2013 opening of the single child policy, to 2016 open at the beginning of the second child policy. All of these indicate that the country attaches great importance to population issues. What will happen in the future after the policy is opening? Is the open policy suitable for the development of China? These are the issues that need to be considered, this paper will use the existing population prediction model to study, using the data to come to the conclusion.
In this paper, the threepoint method (fourpoint method) as a method to determine parameters of the Logistics model, and in the process of determining the parameters of Leslie matrix model, used the log-normal distribution, Weibull distribution and the Gaussian function etc. to fit, through the combination of Eviews6.0, MATLAB, Excel and other software and Leslie model to predict.The comparison between logistic model and Leslie model predicted the development trend of the total population, showing two child policy for the future total population produced huge influence.
After analysising population specific data predicted by the Leslie model, I founded that, over the next 40 years the phenomenon of aging population can’t be avoided, but the two-child policy has an effective influence to decrease on the proportion of the elderly population gradually, but in 40 years, due to increase in the newborn children. Population dependency ratio will continue to increase, the Chinese society in the labor force will be under tremendous pressure. If implementing new fertility policy to increase the rate of growth, the population dependency ratio would increase to the new peak, although in 2055, young labor force increased significantly, but this was further increased between 2040 to 2055 social burden, so with the family planning policy change, government need to pay more attention to the welfare of the elderly population, the education of newborn children and resources of the labor market, so as to get expected results which by new fertility policy.
Key Words:Logistics model,Leslie model,population forecast,Two-child policy
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1 Malthus模型 2
1.2.2 Logistics模型 2
1.2.3 Leslie模型 3
1.2.4 灰色GM(1,1)模型 4
1.3 研究意义 5
1.4 内容结构及安排 6
第二章 Logistics模型的详细阐述和实验 7
2.1 模型的参数估计 7
2.2 实验及检验 8
第三章 Leslie人口模型的详细阐述与实验 11
3.1 模型的参数确定 11
3.1.1 年龄别生育率的确定 11
3.1.2 年龄别死亡率的确定 16
3.1.3 出生性别比的确定 18
3.2 实验与检验 20
第四章 二胎政策开放下的中国未来人口预测 21
4.1 2016年至2040年的人口发展趋势预测 21
4.1.1 Leslie模型预测结果 21
4.1.2 Leslie模型与Logistics模型预测结果对比 23
4.2 2040年至2064年的人口发展趋势预测 24
4.2.1 按照2.1总和生育率不变的情况下人口趋势变化 24
4.2.2 总和生育率提高至2.5的情况下人口趋势变化 25
总结 29
参考文献 31
致谢 33
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
十七世纪至十八世纪之间,微积分得以迅速的发展,并广泛应用于各个方面的研究,人口模型的发展也得益于此。英国人口统计学家马尔萨斯将人口属性纯生物化[1],在1798年提出了如今广为人们熟知的人口指数增长模型: ,其中为时刻的人口总数,为自然增长率,并用于世界人口的预测。此后随着人口研究的不断深入,不同的模型也被提出,从Logistics模型到Leslie模型,宋健人口模型,灰色GM(1,1)模型等。
对人口的控制一直是通过生育政策的改变来实现,古希腊的亚里士多德,中国战国时代的韩非都曾注意到人口的增长需要加以限制[2],在过去的30年内,我国计划生育工作对人口数量及人口结构产生了极大的影响,在1970年到2010 年之间,我国人口自然增长率从25.83‰ 下降到4.79‰[3]。而自1980年独生政策执行之后,我国的总和生育率一直下降并在2010年达到了最低的1.18,虽然我国人口数量急速增高的问题得到了有效的解决,而在大力推行教育的新政策影响下,人口总体素质和生活水平都慢慢的跟上了世界的脚步。但是,这样的生育政策带来的负面影响也日趋严重,比如人口老龄化现象加重,劳动力市场出现严重的资源短缺等问题,同时独生子女家庭也承担着极大的风险,一旦失去唯一的子女,一个家庭可能就此分崩离析。因此,在2013年年末我国启动实施了“准生二胎政策”,即允许夫妻一方是独生子女的家庭可再生一胎的政策,而在今年,国家施行了全面二胎政策,不再仅限于独生子女这一人群,该政策将对我国未来人口结构产生巨大影响,但是否能够有效的解决当前的存在的人口问题,还需要时间来进行检验。
1.2 研究现状
1.2.1 Malthus模型
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