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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-06-08 00:15:20  

摘 要


本论文通过对比分析国内外转向架静载试验台的发展状况,说明本毕业设计课题的目的及意义,并设计转向架静载试验台的机械结构及其对转向架进行静态加载测试的流程。转向架静载试验台的机械结构由龙门架、底座、加载装置、升降装置和称重单元这五个模块组成,其中龙门架和底座是试验台的基本构架,为加载装置、称重单元和升降装置模块提供安装位置及支撑;加载装置由两个加载液压缸同步加载,为转向架模拟车体加载试验提供载荷;升降装置利用四个举升液压缸同步举升,通过辅助导轨与车间导轨平齐,使被测转向架能够进入试验台;而称重单元通过三个呈三角形布置的称重传感器,来测量转向架的轮重和轴重,检测转向架是否合格,并为转向架的调簧计算提供参数。本论文根据CRH1、CRH2、CRH5动车组型转向架尺寸参数以及测试要求,对CRH动车组转向架静载试验台龙门架、底座、加载装置、升降装置和称重单元这五个模块的机械结构进行设计。利用Solidworks软件建立各模块的三维模型,并装配成转向架静载试验台模型。采用ANSYS Workbench有限元分析软件对静载试验台的关键部件进行有限元分析,以确保所设计的机械结构强度满足技术要求。最后,通过分析转向架需要调簧的原因,阐述转向架的调簧原理以及计算方法。



With the development of high-speed railway technology in China, high speed train has increasingly demand on bogie technology, which demands for more bogie testing equipments. So far the basic type of domestic high speed trains is CRH (China Railway High-speed), and most of bogie testing equipment relies on imports. However,domestic bogie testing equipment cannot meet the requirement,and there is a large difference with international advanced technology. In order to satisfy the testing requirements of bogies of CRH series, improving the compatibility of bogie static test bench, this paper mainly designs a structure of CRH EMU (Electric Multiple Units) bogie static test bench, such as CRH1, CRH2 and CRH5, to meet their testing requirements.

This paper explains the purpose and significance of graduation project by comparing and analyzing the development of the bogie static test bench at home and abroad, and designs the structure of bogie static test bench as well as the process of static load test of bogie. The structure of bogie static test bench in this paper is composed of five modules: the gantry frame, the base, the loading device, the lifting device and the weighing units. As the basic frame of test bench, gantry and base provide mounting positions and supports for loading device, lifting device and weighing units. Loading device provides the loads when emulating a train body loading on bogie by the two hydraulic cylinders synchronized loading. Through auxiliary rails connecting to the rails of workshop the tested bogie has access to the test bench with the four hydraulic cylinders of lifting device synchronized loading. And weighing units of which the three weighing sensors render a triangular layout can measure the wheel load and axle load of bogie to examine the quality, and also provide testing parameters for calculation of spring adjustment. According to the size parameters of CRH1, CRH2 and CRH5 bogies as well as the testing requirements, a structure of the five modules of CRH EMU bogie static test bench which includes the gantry frame, the base, the loading device, the lifting device and the weighing units is designed in this paper. The 3D model of five modules of bogie static test bench is established by Solidworks, to assemble the model of bogie static test bench. Then, ANSYS Workbench is utilized for finite element analysis of the key components, to ensure that the strength of the structure to meet the technical requirement. Finally, the principle of spring adjustment and the method of calculation for bogie are expounded through the analysis of the reason why bogies need to adjust the spring.

Key Words: static test bench; design; finite element; spring adjustment

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文背景

高铁技术自二十世纪六十年代以来就一直在迅速发展,并在许多欧洲、亚洲、北美等国家普及,1964年10月1日,世界首条高速铁路东海新干线于日本建成;1983年9月,法国建成TGV东南高速线正式通车,列车速度可达到270km/h [1]

随着高速铁路的快速发展,对高速列车转向架的设计要求也越来越高,对转向架检测设备的需求的不断增加。转向架位于列车的底部,承载来自车体和轨道所传递的载荷,在列车运行过程中起引导作用,使列车能够顺利铁路弯道,而且还能够缓和列车运行时因为轨道不平引起的振动及冲击,是列车不可或缺的部件 [2],其结构图如图1.1所示。而转向架静载试验台可以实现转向架参数的测量。转向架静载实验台是通过对转向架进行加载来模拟车体加载在转向架上,测定轴重、一系、二系弹簧位移量、轴距、车轴平行度等参数,并可进行空气弹簧气动及气密性测试的转向架参数测定装置。目前,我国高速动车组主要为CRH动车组,已开行的CRH动车组有CRH1、CRH2、CRH3、CRH5和CRH6等21种车型。对于CRH动车组这21种车型的转向架,若要每种车型都只使用专用的转向架静载试验台则不能满足通用性和兼容性,而且还会大大增加研发及制造成本提高,不利于试验台的发展以及使用的方便。综上所述,本论文选择CRH动车组转向架静载试验台作为研究方向,并设计其机械结构。本论文主要选取CRH1、CRH2、CRH5这三种型号的转向架作为研究对象,根据其型号尺寸以及测试技术要求来进行CRH动车组转向架静载试验台机械结构的设计,并且设计转向架静载试验台进行静载试验的测试流程。

1.2 设计目的及意义


1.2.1 设计目的


图1.1 动车组拖车转向架





(5)对设计的转向架静载试验台所组成的零部件进行标准化, 使试验台零部件具有通用性和互换性。

1.2.2 设计意义





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