2021-06-07 23:18:23
摘 要
股票市场近年来在中国有了长足的发展和进步,尤其是近两年股票市场跌宕起伏,在2014年年末以及2015年年初,上证指数高歌猛进站上5000点,大批新股民入市,可惜好景不长,紧接着的几次大跌,让众多股民血本无归,究其原因,一方面是市场大环境问题,另一方面,也是股民盲目跟风,仓位控制、建仓策略不理性导致的。那么,研究理性的建仓策略,有利于股票市场的发展,有利于股民降低风险,提高收益 。
With the stock market in recent years in China's development and progress by leaps and bounds, especially in the last two years, the stock market ups and downs, in late 2014 and early 2015, the Shanghai index triumph station 5000, a large number of new investors into the market, but only for , followed by several crash, so many investors lose everything, the reason, on the one hand is the market environment, on the other, but also investors blindly follow the trend, position control, due to irrational policy positions. So, study the rational positions strategy conducive to the development of the stock market, help investors to reduce risk and increase profitability.
Stock control positions in the stock market has real significance, reasonable position control in favor of investors in case of bankruptcy to prevent as much as possible profit. Now the stock position control strategy and investment strategy largely based on the mean Markowitz proposed - variance model, this article will be another gambler is known as the "wealth formula" based on the formula of Kelly afford suitable stock control combat positions strategy, investment strategy has drawn practical guidance for stock investments.
This paper begins with a single stock positions policy departure, first introduced the basic content of Kelly formula, because the yield of a single stock in line with "binomial", and the situation is similar gamble, revalidation long optimality Kelly formula. Then, the study generalized equation optimal solution in the case of a variety of stocks to choose from, Kelly given formula. Because the position control of a variety of stock is based on a single stock basis, so this article will focus on single stock Kelly formula in line with the discussion under the binomial distribution is derived and draw their solving process.
Finally, we will pick a stock, using another model, simulated stock trading, trading results winning P, then by winning P, the best position is calculated using the formula Kelly proportion of each transaction, use this position to simulate proportion transactions, verify the applicability and optimality Kelly formula. It is noteworthy that, due to the p winning only a theoretical value, Kelly formula calculated the optimal position ratio is some error, the actual operating time should be less than the ratio.
Key Words:Kelly criterion; Stock positions; Quantitative investment
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外关于Kelly公式的研究情况 1
1.3 Kelly方法与均值方差模型的区别 2
第二章 Kelly公式详述及推导 3
2.1 Kelly公式简介 3
2.2 Kelly公式推导 3
2.3 仓位控制的重要性 6
2.4 两条黄金准则 6
第三章 Kelly公式在股票中的应用 9
3.1 单一股票下的Kelly公式 9
3.2 两种及多种股票组合下的Kelly公式 9
3.2.1 分散化投资策略 9
3.2.2 两种股票组合下的Kelly公式 10
3.2.3 多种股票组合下的Kelly公式 11
3.3 Kelly公式在股票中的运用 14
第四章 模型检测 15
4.1 筹码集中度模型简介 15
4.2 数据来源与前提假设 15
4.3 数据计算 20
4.4 测试结果 21
4.5 结果评估 22
4.6模型缺陷 22
第五章 总结与反思 25
参考文献 27
致谢 29
第一章 绪论
1.1 选题背景及意义
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