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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-06-07 22:19:10  

摘 要






Nowadays, the vehicle license plate recognition technology in the field of intelligent traffic management plays a more and more important role, has been widely used in many aspects of life, such as highway toll management, traffic monitoring, road traffic "electronic police and residents of a small area, important organs and units of the vehicle management and so on.

First of all, this paper introduces the research status of vehicle license plate recognition technology at home and abroad, and the basic characteristics of our license plate are described, and lists the difficulties in the presence of our license plate in the recognition process is unique. Then, this paper studies and researches the algorithm of vehicle license plate recognition system. Usually the license plate recognition system consists of the following parts: preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition. The main work of this paper are as follows: (1) Several common license plate location methods are compared, and the method of edge detection is used to locate the license plate; (2)In the part of character segmentation, first image gray processing, denoising, binaryzation,then use the vertical projection method to segment the license plate image. The threshold value of the binaryzation is determined using the Otsu algorithm, which can achieve a better result for a variety type of license plates. (3)Template matching method is used in the character recognition part. First compare the segemented character with the templates one by one, using subtractive method to find out the template that the character is most similar to, then output the most similar one.

Finally, this paper uses the MATLAB to design the vehicle license plate recognition system to carry on the simulation test, the experiment shows that this paper designs the license plate recognition system to realize the goal of the license plate recognition.

Key Words: license plate recognition; pre-treatment; character segmentation; character



摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2车牌识别技术的研究现状 1

1.2.1车牌识别技术的国内外研究现状 1

1.2.2车牌特征和识别技术难点 2

第2章 车牌区域定位 3

2.1常见的车牌定位方法 3

2.1.1基于灰度图像的车牌定位方法 3

2.1.2基于彩色图像的车牌定位方法 5

2.2本文实现的车牌定位算法 5

2.2.1边缘检测 6

2.2.2二值形态学操作 7

第3章 车牌图像的字符分割 10

3.1车牌原始图像预处理 10

3.1.1车牌图像灰度化 10

3.1.2车牌图像去噪 12

3.1.3灰度车牌图像二值化 13

3.2 车牌字符分割 15

3.2.1常用的车牌字符分割方法 15

3.2.2本文实现的字符分割方法 17

第4章 车牌字符识别 19

4.1车牌字符识别的特殊性 19

4.2常用的车牌图像字符识别方法 20

4.3本文实现的车牌字符识别方法 20

4.4 实验结果分析 21

第5章 总结与展望 23

5.1总结 23

5.2展望 23

致谢 25

参考文献 26

第1章 绪论


随着我国科技的飞速发展,汽车拥有量不断提高,交通压力也日渐增大,传统的一些人工道路交通管理措施费时费力、效率不高,已不能满足实际需要。当前道路交通管理的研究热点之一是智能交通管理,而智能交通管理的核心是车牌识别技术。现如今,车辆牌照识别技术在智能交通管理领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,已被广泛地应用于生活中的许多方面,比如高速公路收费管理、车流量的监控、道路交通路口的“电子警察”和居民小区、重要机关单位的车辆管理等 [1]。随着计算机技术和数字图像处理技术的发展,车牌自动识别系统已经成为智能交通系统的重要组成部分,它可用于电子收费、出入控制、车流监控等众多场合,能显著地提高交通管理自动化的程度。在智能交通领域,车牌识别(License Plate Recognition,简称LPR)系统的研究集合了计算机技术、数字图像处理和模式识别,是智能交通的首要问题 [2]


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