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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:38:28  

摘 要


关键词:财产刑 执行 问题 对策


The kinds of punishment in our country is composed of life penalty, freedom penalty, and property punishment etc., property punishment in the penalty system of our country occupies a very important position, as a kind of punishment to the life and freedom of punishment. But the court’s decision related property punishment has often become a dead letter. The property punishment, which can’t be properly implemented, seriously damages the authority of judicial judge. All punishment if left to perform, then makes no sense, therefore study of property penalty execution problems has its objective necessity. This article will first describe the basic theory of property punishment and property punishment execution obstacles encountered in the process, followed by an analysis of causes, which resulting in the difficult execution of the property punishment. And focuses on two reasons: the concept of punishment and not fully investigate the property status of the criminal. On the basis of this, we should put forward the countermeasures and measures to solve the difficulties in the implementation of property punishment. And focusing on the solution, under certain conditions, after the application of the criminal, property punishment can be replaced by public welfare labor.

Key Words:Property punishment; Execution; Problems; Solutions

目 录


1. 财产刑的概念、种类......................................................2

1.1 罚金刑..............................................................2

1.2 没收财产刑..........................................................2

2. 财产刑执行上存在的问题..................................................4

2.1 财产刑的执行制度不够完善.............................................4

2.2 财产刑虽然广泛运用于司法实践之中,但是其执行率较低...................4

2.3 检察机关对财产刑的执行情况缺乏相应监督...............................5

2.4 实践中存在财产刑执行与民事执行的竞合问题.............................5

3. 财产刑执行难成因........................................................6

3.1 传统的刑罚观念严重阻碍财产刑的执行...................................6

3.2 未充分调查犯罪嫌疑人、被告人财产状况.................................6

4. 解决财产刑执行困难的相应对策............................................9

4.1 树立现代财产刑刑法理念...............................................9

4.2 完善财产刑执行相关立法...............................................9

4.3 完善财产刑执行配套制度...............................................10

4.3.1 增设财产调查制度.................................................10

4.3.2 增设财产保全制度.................................................11

4.3.3 增设延期缴纳制度.................................................12

4.3.4 确立易科制度 ....................................................12

4.4 创新财产刑执行方式...................................................13

4.5 加强司法机关之间的协调配合,完善检察机关监督.........................14

5. 结语...................................................................16



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