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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:35:37  

摘 要



关键词 第三方物流企业 作业成本法 成本控制 成本动因 成本核算


With developing of economy globalization, logistics play an important role in global production and trade. Since 1990s, the Third-Part Logistics (TPL) have been developed in China. However, comparing with other developed countries, the TPL in China have a rather late start. So, the TPL in China are inexperience in development and operation of enterprise. Because of the lack of thorough research of logistic companies costing, the problem of logistic company costing accounting is highlighted. Nowadays, the TPL in China mainly use the traditional cost accounting method to account the costing of the logistic companies. But it cannot assure the authenticity and objectivity of the costing accounting result. Moreover, there is no unitive costing accounting standard in our country. Therefore, these defects are not good for the management and control of company costing, and limit the expansion of company and interior management.

In order to solve the problem of the TPL costing accounting, this study introduces the Activity-based costing method and builds the TPL costing accounting system. At first, the study states the definition of the Activity-based costing method and classifies the enterprise costing, and analyzes the problem the logistic companies face now. What’s more, the study introduces the definition of the Activity-based costing and the standard of classify. It also states the steps and formula of costing accounting with Activity-based costing method and takes a compare between the traditional cost accounting method and the activity-based costing method. Then the study analyzes a case using activity-based costing and gets the conclusion. At last, through the case analysis, the study helps the TPL to find the ways of costing control.

Key Words: the third part logistics enterprise; activity-based costing method; cost control; cost driver; cost accounting


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究意义 1

1.2国内外现状 2

第二章 研究的内容、目标、拟采用的技术方案及措施 4

2.1 研究的基本内容 4

2.2 研究的目标 4

2.3 研究拟采用的技术方案 4

第三章 第三方物流企业概述 5

3.1第三方物流企业概念 5

3.2第三方物流企业主要成本 5

3.2.1库存成本 5

3.2.2运输成本 5

3.2.3 包装成本 5

3.2.4 管理成本 6

3.3我国第三方物流企业成本管理现状及存在的问题 6

3.3.1成本概念不明确 6

3.3.2 成本核算不完整 6

3.3.3 成本核算方法不合理 6

3.3.4 成本核算标准不统一 6

第四章 作业成本法 8

4.1 作业成本法的定义 8

4.2 作业成本法的基本要素 8

4.2.1资源 8

4.2.2作业 8

4.2.3成本动因 8

4.2.4作业中心 9

4.2.5成本要素 9

4.3作业成本法分析流程 9

4.3.1通过整理归纳资源确立资源库 9

4.3.2通过确定作业来划分作业中心 9

4.3.3分析和确定资源动因 9

4.3.4分析和确定作业动因 10

4.4作业成本法模型 10

4.5作业成本法和一般传统方法的比较 11

4.5.1传统成本法的基本原理 11

4.5.2 传统成本法和作业成本法的区别比较 12

第五章 运用作业成本法对实际案例进行分析—A物流 13

5.1 A物流的基本情况 13

5.2 A物流企业运营情况 13

5.3 确定作业中心 13

5.4 确定资源动因 14

5.4.1、确认资源动因后,将资源动因进行归集整理 14

5.4.2 成本性态分析 15

5.5 确认成本动因 19

5.5.1业务招揽作业的作业动因 19

5.5.2包装作业的作业动因 19

5.5.3检验作业的作业动因 19

5.5.4装卸作业的作业成本动因 20

5.5.5运输作业的成本动因 20

5.5.6储存作业的作业动因 20

5.5.7分拣作业的作业动因 20

5.5.8信息管理维护作业的作业动因 20

5.5.9综合管理作业的作业动因 21

5.6 计算各作业中心的各作业动因分配率 21

5.7 成本控制分析 22

5.7.1建立成本控制模型 22

5.7.2增值作业和非增值作业 22

5.8 控制措施 25

第六章 总结 27

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论

    1. 研究意义



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