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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-05-06 14:23:09  

摘 要








As an universal vehicle in railway transport, boxcar is mainly use for bagged bulk materials in port transportation. How to transport bagged bulk materials form the outside of a boxcar to the inside quickly and efficiently and pack them neatly stacked, is one of the most difficult problems urgently to be solved in the current port transportation. This paper presents a bag-loading machine which is dedicated to boxcar loading. On the basis of the introduction of the bag-loading mechanical working theory and the process of loading, this paper present an automatic stacking device which is tilting the carrier roller by gravity, named it ‘gravity tilting automatic stacking device’. To the automatic stacking device, this paper also did detailed design, calculation and 3D modeling and simulation. The main contents of this paper including:

1) Research and development of new automatic bag-loading machine and its loading technology design. On the basis of detailed analysis of the functional requirements of bag-loading machine, this paper presented a new automatic bag loading machine, and discussed the main working mechanism and the structural types of various organs. On the basis of above, some scientifically designs were done for automated loading process and stacking process.

2) Study on automatic stacking technology of bag-loading machine. Stacking to achieve automatic and more efficient stacking operation of bag-loading machine, the gravity tilting automatic stacking device was proposed innovatively.

3) Design of automatic stacking device and three-dimensional modeling and simulation. Do some detailed design, calculation and analysis of gravity tilting automatic stacking device, using SolidWorks software to build the automatic stacking device’s modeling, and complete the virtual assembly of the machine, and lay the research basis of new boxcar loading equipment

Key Words:loading machine;bagged material;automatic stacking device;boxcar; SolidWorks

目 录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 研究的目的和意义

1.4 本文的主要工作

第2章 袋物装车机总体设计

2.1 装车机的设计要求

2.2 袋物装车机的设计

2.2.1 袋物装车机的组成机构

2.2.2 装车机自动化装车工艺

2.2.3 自动化堆码工艺设计

2.3 本章小结

第3章 袋物装车机自动堆码技术研究

3.1 袋物自由平抛堆码的可行性分析

3.2 自动堆码装置的设计

3.2.1 自动堆码触发方式的研究

3.2.2 堆码装置复位问题的研究

3.2.3 堆码效果的分析

3.2.4 自动堆码方案的确定

3.3 本章小结

第4章 自动堆码装置设计及三维建模仿真

4.1 自动堆码装置的结构组成


4.2.1 一般位置堆垛的工作原理

4.2.2 横移堆垛的工作原理

4.3 自动堆码装置的组成部件

4.3.1 固定框架

4.3.2 横移堆垛机构


4.4 本章小结

第5章 总结与展望

5.1 全文总结

5.2 下一步工作展望

5.3 经济性分析


致 谢

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 国内外研究现状



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