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 2021-05-06 13:35:57  

摘 要


这个学术期刊采编系统的设计是在android平台下进行实现的,制作这个系统的主要目的是让用户能够在手机端方便地享受传统的以WEB端为平台的期刊采编系统的一些基本功能。这个系统的项目主要是用java开发完成的,客户端是在android上设计界面,服务端是搭建在WEB上,用servlet完成的。另外还使用了所建的本地数据库,使用的数据库软件是SQL Server2008。




With the rapid development of information technology, computer cooperative office has become the inevitable choice of various industries. As the academic journals can be involved in various fields, the network office also brought convenience to it, so that it is more widely used in the development of. Especially the popularity of the journal network operation system, and its various unceasing consummation and the promotion, the traditional web side platform of journal editing system is already mature. Existing journal editing system is, however, a version of the page, it only limit on the computer, and computer carry is not always so easy. In order to solve this problem, I think is a can in the online office of journal editing system, but also to solve the problems of inconvenient carrying of journal editing system. So, do a the idea of editing system based on Android APP journal has also produced.

The academic journal editing system design is in the Android platform for implementation. The main purpose of this system is let users can in the mobile terminal easily enjoy traditional to web client for some of the basic functions of the platform of journal editing system. The project of this system is mainly used java development completed, the client is on the Android design interface, the server is built on the WEB, with servlet completed. In addition to the use of the built local database, the database platform is SQL Server2008.

Based on Android academic journal editorial system app mainly do work I studied can be divided into eight modules: the registration, different user login, modify personal information, a new manuscript submission, revised submission, view the entire manuscript information about the module, the view is to vote for their own all manuscripts, and editors and reviewers see is system in all manuscripts, editing submitted for review, the reviewer. This system is not only easy to use, but also easy to operate, can give users a comfortable experience and a warm impression.

Key words: academic journals; editing system; APP design; android;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国内期刊采编管理系统研究现状分析 1

1.2.2国外期刊采编管理系统研究现状分析 2

1.3 本系统的研究内容 2

1.4 本文的结构 3

第2章 软件设计及开发工具介绍 4

2.1 总体设计 4

2.2 开发工具介绍 4

2.2.1 Eclipse的介绍 4

2.2.2 MyEclipse与Tomcat介绍 5

2.3关键技术介绍 6

第3章 系统设计 7

3.1 前台功能结构设计 7

3.1.1作者注册 7

3.1.2用户登录 8

3.1.3修改个人信息 8

3.1.4全部稿件信息 8

3.1.5新稿件提交 8

3.1.6修改稿提交 8

3.1.7稿件送审 9

3.1.8审稿 9

3.2 后台管理 9

3.2.1注册管理 10

3.2.2登录管理 10

3.2.3修改个人信息管理 10

3.2.4稿件信息管理 10

3.2.5新稿件提交管理 10

3.2.6修改稿提交管理 10

3.2.7稿件送审管理 11

3.2.8审稿管理 11

3.3数据库结构设计 11

3.3.1 数据库逻辑结构设计 11

3.3.2数据库物理结构设计 13

第4章 系统实现与测试 15

4.1 服务器端的设计---搭建java web服务器 15

4.2 连接数据库模块 15

4.3 服务器功能模块 16

4.3.1注册模块 16

4.3.2登录模块 17

4.3.3修改个人信息模块 18

4.3.4全部稿件信息模块 18

4.3.5新稿件提交模块 19

4.3.6修改稿提交模块 19

4.3.7稿件送审模块 19

4.3.8审稿模块 20

4.4 客户端的设计---设计Android UI界面 20

4.5 客户端功能模块 21

4.5.1注册模块 21

4.5.2登录模块 21

4.5.3修改个人信息模块 23

4.5.4全部稿件信息模块 24

4.5.5新稿件提交件模块 25

4.5.6修改稿提交模块 26

4.5.7稿件送审模块 26

4.5.8审稿模块 27

第5章 总结与展望 28

5.1 总结 28

5.2 展望 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 30

第1章 绪论




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