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 2021-05-06 12:21:18  

摘 要


(1)实现QPSK数字调制解调的波形仿真。本文采用相位选择法来实现QPSK信号的调制,首先使二进制信息序列串行进入串并变换器,产生两个并行的信息序列进入逻辑选相电以实现相位选择,最后再经过带通滤波器得到已调制的QPSK信号。 此外,完成设计利用两个正交的载波信号实现QPSK信号的相干解调的仿真程序。





The purpose of this paper is making the digital communication system divided into several basic modules to achieve and choosing the key modulation/demodulation module and channel coding/decoding module to design the simulation program and verify the waveform simulation results. When compared digital communication to analog communication,digital commucation has a strong anti-interference ability, easy encryption and error correcting ,it is the development trend of modern communication. And the function of FPGA is strong and can modify the repetition, development tools intelligence characteristics,which make it become the preferred equipment in the field of communication system hardware design, so this thesis is based on FPGA in digital communication system simulation program was developed. The work is summarized as follows:

(1)In this paper, I have done mainly to achieve QPSK digital modulation and demodulation of the waveform simulation. The phase selection method is adopted to realize the modulation of QPSK signal, first of all to make the binary information sequence serial into serial to parallel converter, two parallel information sequence produced into logical phase selection to realize the phase selection. And then,after a bandpass filter, QPSK signal is obtained. In addition, the completion of the design and use of two orthogonal carrier signal to achieve the QPSK signal by the coherent demodulation of the simulation program.

(2)And then, I completed the DPSK modulation and demodulation of the simulation program design, verify that the waveform is the absolute code and the relative code conversion.

(3)Finally, I completed the simulation program design of HDB3 code and decode, according to the rules of coding and decoding module ,I realized HDB3 encoding and decoding functions. Finally, under the environment of Quartus II simulation waveform to verify the HB3 code encoding and decoding functions.

Keywords:Digital communication system; Quadriphase shift keying; Third high density bipolar


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 2

1.3 选择FPGA的原因及特点 3

1.4 本文的主要研究内容与章节安排 4

第2章 调制解调模块 5

2.1 QPSK调制的理论分析 5

2.2 QPSK调制器仿真设计 5

2.3 QPSK解调器仿真设计 7

2.4 DPSK调制理论分析 8

2.5 DPSK调制器仿真设计 8

2.6 DPSK解调器仿真设计 9

2.7 本章小结 10

第3章 信源编码译码模块 11

3.1 HDB3码概述 11

3.2 HDB3码编码器仿真设计 11

3.2.1 插“V”模块仿真设计 12

3.2.2 插“B”模块仿真设计 13

3.2.3 单极性变双极性模块仿真设计 14

3.2.4 HDB3编码器整体电路连接 15

3.3 HDB3码译码器仿真设计 16

3.3.1 双极性变单极性模块仿真设计 16

3.3.2 V检测模块仿真设计 17

3.3.3 –V检测模块仿真设计 18

3.3.4 扣V扣B模块仿真设计 18

3.4 本章小结 19

第4章 总结与展望 20

4.1 总结 20

4.2 展望 20

参考文献 21

附录 23

致谢 27


1.1 研究背景及意义



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