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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-05-06 11:57:06  

摘 要





Since China entered the stage of urbanization accelerated the process of reform and opening-up, population explosion, the scope of urban expansion, industrial upgrading, industry and commerce also presents the diversification, the series of led to urban residents living demand and consumption mode, new changes have taken place.In the development of electronic commerce, city logistics distribution have made a lot of room to improve.Especially for the high frequency small, more rapid residential distribution is in short supply.

In this paper, based on extensive analysis of materials, focusing on urban distribution as well as a discussion of the difference between joint distribution, and then analyzed the operation system, deepened to the understanding and the understanding of the concept of both.This article is based on the overall condition of the operation of urban distribution in our country, in policy and their own conditions, the industry as a whole as the foundation of analysis, identify the main problem in joint distribution, so as to solve the problem of the shipping development in our country, our government encourage support the theory basis of urban distribution.Here the urban joint distribution, e-commerce is studied under the "last mile" distribution problem how to in-depth development and problem solving.Through the model establishment and the data analysis of genetic algorithm, the system science city joint distribution of the improvement measures.In case comparison and analysis, verified the feasibility of measures, further for the theory research and development provides a strong support.

Key words: Urban common distribution; shortest path; VRP; genetic algorithm; MATLAB

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国外研究现状 2

1.3.2国内研究现状 2

1.4研究(设计)的内容及方法 2

1.4.1研究目标 2

1.4.2研究内容 2

1.4.3研究方法 3

第二章 城市共同配送的现状解析 4

2.1城市共同配送的概念 4

2.1.1城市配送的概念 4

2.1.2共同配送的概念 5

2.2国外城市共同配送相关政策的研究 6

2.3我国城市共同配送发展的现状分析 6

2.3.1城市配送发展的基本情况 6

2.3.2共同配送发展的基本情况 7

2.4我国共同配送存在的问题 7

第三章 城市共同配送的模式分析 9

3.1国内典型的配送模式 9

3.2国外典型共同的配送模式 10

第四章 城市共同配送中心的配送路径选择模型 12

4.1 VRP问题 12

4.2遗传算法简介 12

4.2.1遗传算法的原理 12

4.2.2 GA的3个算子 13

4.3模型建立 14

4.3.1问题描述 14

4.3.2构建模型分析 14

4.4基于自适应的混合遗传算法的求解策略 16

4.4.1染色体形式与编码 16

4.4.2初始种群的产生 17

4.4.3适应度函数的确定 17

4.4.4选择与复制 17

4.4.5爬山操作 17

4.4.6停止准则 17

4.4.7算法求解流程 17

4.5算法编程(源程序) 18

4.5.1初始群体 18

4.5.2解码及适应度函数 18

4.5.3赌轮选择 19

4.5.4最佳保留和爬山操作 20

4.5.5交叉算子 20

4.5.6变异算子 21

4.5.7终止函数 21

4.6一个简单算例的测试 21

第五章 总结与展望 24

5.1总结 24

5.2展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论


进入信息化的21世纪,我国电子商务行业进入全盛时期。在我国电商大数据的统计之下,2013年中国的电子商务平台成交量已经达到了14635亿元人民币,较上年增长了65%,占社会总体消费的7.9%。在这其中天猫和淘宝功不可没。配合电商的快速发展,物流体系也得到不断完善。然而面对强大的发展势头,我国物流系统还存在着发展上的较大障碍,快递爆仓等问题不容忽视 [1]



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