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 2021-04-29 22:27:54  

摘 要

本文对音乐播放器软件进行了研究和设计,主要利用了VC 6.0来实现这一软件的设计。随着时代的进步科技的发展,网络的使用逐渐得到普及,越来越多的网民通过网络实现资源共享,人们对于音乐播放器的要求也相应改变。我本次毕业设计的课题是“基于VC的音乐播放器软件的设计”,利用VC 6.0软件的MFC平台,通过实用ActiveMovie控件设计了一款简单精巧满足用户基本需求的音乐播放器。



(2)这次课题实现的音乐播放器主要用到了 Active Movie Control Object控件,本文对这一控件进行了学习研究和介绍;


(4)介绍了 GDI技术,并通过 GDI技术对音乐信息进行绘制,使音乐信息可以在播放器上方滚动出现,而音乐信息的背景色是透明的,这就使得音乐播放器的外表更加美观精巧;




关键词:Active Movie Control Object;音乐播放器;MFC


In this paper, the music player software for the research and design, the main use of the VC 6.0 software is designed to achieve this. With the development and progress of science and technology of the times, the use of the network gradually gained popularity, more and more Internet users through the network to share resources, people for the music player requirements are changed accordingly. I graduate this design issue is, "VC music player software design is based on" the use of VC 6.0 MFC software platform, through practical ActiveMovie control to design a simple and compact to meet the basic needs of the user's music player.

Thesis mainly studied the following contents:

(1)Introduced Wp3, Wma, Video, Wave and AVI and other audio formats, and for the moment the common TTPlayer and cool dog music player to understand and make the appropriate analysis of its characteristics;

(2)The subject realized the music player main use of the Active Movie Control Object control, this paper controls learning and research presentation.

(3)For irregular custom buttons were studied, a new custom button irregular class inherits from CButton;

(4)Introduced the GDI technology, and through GDI drawing technical information on music, so music can scroll the information appears at the top of the player, the music information and the background color is transparent, which makes the music player look more beautiful and delicate;

(5)Designed music player interface, through the replacement of the background and custom buttons irregular, so the music player look more attractive, to meet the aesthetic needs of users;

(6)Design program makes the music player to achieve open audio files, play music, play music pause, stop playing music, single cycle, list cycle, schedule adjustment, volume control, a list of options, minimize the player and at the tray can operate accordingly and other features that make the music player for users of the most basic needs.

Eventually complete a simple compact music player software design, software is small and can meet the aesthetic and user needs.

Keywords: Active Movie Control Object; music player; MFC

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

1.2 课题国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本论文的研究工作 2

第二章 音乐播放器功能分析设计 3

2.1 各种音频格式分析 3

2.2 常见音乐播放器功能分析 3

2.2.1 千千静听播放器分析 3

2.2.2 酷狗音乐播放器分析 5

2.3 音乐播放器功能总设计 6

第三章 音乐播放器的界面设计 7

3.1 界面控件设计 7

3.2 音乐播放器背景图片的设计与载入 9

3.3 定制并添加不规则按钮 9

3.3.1 自定义按钮类的建立 9

3.3.2 新建类中主要函数的设计 10

3.3.3 不规则按钮的外观设计 11

3.3.4 不规则按钮的代码设计 12

第四章 音乐播放器的功能设计与实现 14

4.1 ActiveMovie控件的研究 14

4.2 播放操作设计 15

4.2.1 打开、播放、暂停、停止音乐 15

4.2.2 循环播放 16

4.2.3 音量控制 17

4.2.4 进度调节 18

4.2.5 列表选择 18

4.3 窗口整体操作的设计 18

4.3.1 最小化播放器功能的实现 18

4.3.2 关闭播放器功能的实现 19

4.3.3 处理托盘图标消息功能的实现 19

4.3.4 拖动播放器窗口功能的实现 19

4.4 状态显示功能的设计 20

4.4.1 GDI技术的研究 20

4.4.2 文件名称滚动出现 21

4.4.3 状态显示 21

4.4.4 音频信息的显示 22

4.4.5 播放进度和总时间的显示 22

4.4.6 区域更新的设计 22

第五章 系统测试 24

5.1 播放操作测试 24

5.2 窗口功能测试 27

第六章 总结分析 28

6.1 总结 28

6.2 特点与展望 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 30

第一章 绪论


1.1 课题的研究背景及意义



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