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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-04-21 23:29:31  

摘 要




This test was carried out on a four-cylinder exhaust turbocharged diesel engine.We studied the combustion and emission performance of MF/bio-diesel in different mass ratios(10%, 20%, 30%). The results shows that : The blending ratio of MF has a great influence on the combustion and emission of mixed fuels. In this test, the 20% blending ratio of the mixed fuel in the combustion performance is the best, and the emission improvement is more obvious.That’s because the addition of MF increases the oxygen content of the bio-diesel and reduces the cetane number, which prolongs the ignition delay period and accelerates the combustion rate. The peak heat release rate in the cylinder is high, which reduces the emission of HC and CO to a certain extent.At the same time the emission of NOx increases. In the test load, the addition of MF has no obvious improvement in the combustion and emission of the mixed fuel in the low load stage.But from medium to high load, the mixed fuel has a significant improvement in the heat efficiency compared to pure biodiesel.With the load rises, the HC and CO emissions of the blended fuel decrease more and are lower than pure bio-diesel.Almost zero CO emission is achieved in high-load regions. After the MF is added, the aldehydes of the unconventional emissions of the pure biodiesel engine increase over the entire load range while the benzene emissions are significantly reduced. Proper blending ratio of MF/bio-diesel can significantly improve the atomization and combustion of bio-diesel and improve the emission of HC , CO and benzene.

Key words: MF,biodiesel,variable load,combustion, emission


第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.1.2汽车排放法规 2

1.1.3我国环境问题及能源政策 3

1.2生物柴油及MF概述 4

1.2.1生物柴油特性 4

1.2.2 生物质燃料MF的特性 5

1.3生物柴油及MF的国内外研究现状 6

1.4研究的基本内容、目标、技术方案及措施 8

1.4.1研究的基本内容 8

1.4.2研究的目标 8

1.4.3技术方案及措施 8

第2章 试验设备及方案 9

2.1试验设备及测试系统 9

2.1.1 发动机台架仪器 9

2.1.2 燃油供给系统 11

2.1.3 进气系统及废气再循环系统 11

2.2 试验数据采集系统 12

2.2.1 缸压采集及分析系统 12

2.2.2 排气分析系统 12

2.3 试验方案 13

第3章 不同质量掺混比MF-生物柴油混合燃料的燃烧特性 14

3.1试验研究方案 14

3.2 MF-生物柴油混合燃料的燃烧特性研究 15

3.2.1 MF-生物柴油混合燃料燃烧的缸压曲线以及放热率曲线 15

3.2.2最大压力升高率 17

3.2.3 滞燃期与燃烧持续期 18

3.2.4燃油经济性分析 20

3.3本章小结 21

第4章 不同掺混比的MF-生物柴油排放性能 22

4.1 MF掺混比对柴油机常规排放物的影响 22

4.1.1 MF的添加对HC、CO排放的影响 22

4.1.2 MF的添加对NOx排放的影响 24

4.2 MF掺混比对柴油机非常规排放物的影响 25

4.3本章小结 26

第五章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 选题背景及意义


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