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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境科学 > 正文


 2021-04-21 00:38:16  

摘 要



  1. 天门河各监测断面除竹园闸达到IV类标准,其余皆为劣V类水,表现为六个断面水质COD均出现超标情况,且超标率至少为40%。向家河队、郑刘桥河陆赛红卫桥断面、潘沈沟农兴村一组以及垴尖上渡口断面断面的氨氮与总氮均超标,超标率分别为总氮85.71%、100%、100%、100%,氨氮42.86%、71.42%、100%、100%,剩余两个断面分别出现总氮与氨氮超标的情况。
  2. 从各个污染源角度分析,城镇生活污染源的COD和氨氮入河量均占据最高水平,分别为41.72%、46.94%,其次是种植业污染源,占比分别为33.98%、36.14%;在总磷与总氮的分析过程中,发现种植业污染源的总磷与总氮入河量均达到较高水平,分别占总入河量的66.52%和40.6%,其次是城镇生活源分别占26.54%和33.16%。
  3. 从污染物年际变化趋势分析,在2015-2017年中,各监测断面总氮、总磷基本表现为下降趋势,COD与氨氮总体上则波动性较强。



The pollution source investigation is to investigate the causes of pollution in a certain area, establish various types of pollution source files, select evaluation criteria on the basis of comprehensive analysis, estimate the degree of harm to the environment from each pollution source, and provide direction for the control and treatment of pollution sources. As an important river in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Tianmen River plays a crucial role in the people's living environment and social and economic development in the basin. In recent years, the water quality in many sections of the Tianmen River Basin is inferior to the V class. In view of this, this paper takes the Tianmen River Basin as the research object, studies the water quality characteristics and its changing trend in the Tianmen River Basin, and analyzes the degree of impact of various pollution sources within the basin on the basin water body according to available data, and provides ideas for the comprehensive improvement of the Tianmen River Basin.

This paper studies the content of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and other indicators in the watershed and the rate of exceeding the standard, and defines the inter-annual trends of pollutants at various monitoring sections, and the industrial pollution sources and agricultural surface sources in the Tianmen River Basin. And related data such as sources of life pollution were collected and analyzed, and the following conclusions were drawn:

(1) In addition to Zhukenzha, the monitoring sections of Tianmen River meet Class IV standards, and the rest are all inferior Grade V waters. The performance of COD in the six sections exceeds the standard, and the over-standard rate is at least 40%. The ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen of section sections of the Xiangjiahe, Zhengliuqiao Heluyue Hongweiqiao, Panshengou Nongxing village, and the upper tip of the upper tip of the Jianjian River were all exceeded, and the over-standard rates were 85.71%, 100%, and 100% of total nitrogen respectively. %, 100%, ammonia nitrogen 42.86%, 71.42%, 100%, 100%, the remaining two sections were in total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen exceeded.

(2) From the point of view of various pollution sources, the COD and ammonia nitrogen entering rivers of urban life pollution sources both accounted for the highest level, 41.72% and 46.94% respectively, followed by planting pollution sources, accounting for 33.98% and 36.14% respectively; During the analysis of phosphorus and total nitrogen, it was found that the total phosphorus and total nitrogen entering the river reached a relatively high level in the cropping industry, accounting for 66.52% and 40.6% of the total river flows, followed by urban life sources accounting for 26.54%. And 33.16%.

(3) From the analysis of interannual variation trend of pollutants, in the period of 2015-2017, the total nitrogen and total phosphorus of each monitoring section showed a downward trend, and the COD and ammonia nitrogen were generally more volatile.

Key Words:Pollution Sources; Water Quality Analysis; Tianmen River Basin;Trend

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

第2章 研究思路 3

2.1 研究范围及时限 3

2.2 研究内容 3

2.2.1 污染源调查方案 3

2.2.2 水环境现状分析评价 3

2.2.3 流域污染控制措施分析 4

2.3 技术路线 4

第3章 天门河基本概况调查 5

3.1 流域自然环境 5

3.1.1 地理位置 5

3.1.2 地质地貌 5

3.1.3 气象水文 6

3.2 流域社会环境 6

3.2.1 流域人口概况 6

3.2.2 社会经济情况 7

3.3 流域水环境特征 8

3.3.1 流域水系组成 8

3.3.2 流域水质现状 8

3.3.3 流域水资源现状 13

3.4 小结 13

第4章 天门河流域(荆门段)污染源调查 14

4.1 农业面源污染调查 14

4.1.1 种植业污染源调查 14

4.1.2 畜禽养殖业污染 15

4.2 工业污染源调查 15

4.3 生活污染源调查 16

4.4 污染源综合分析评价 17

4.5 小结 18

第5章 流域水质状况及演变趋势分析 19

5.1 各断面污染物变化趋势 19

5.1.1 监测断面COD变化趋势分析 19

5.1.2 监测断面氨氮变化趋势分析 19

5.1.3 监测断面总磷变化趋势分析 20

5.1.4 监测断面总氮变化情况分析 21

5.2 小结 22

第6章 流域污染源治理思路 23

6.1 城镇生活污水治理方案 23

6.2 农村综合整治方案 23

6.3 工业污染源防治思路 24

6.4 农业面源污染防治思路 24

6.6 小结 24

第7章 结论 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 28

第1章 绪论



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