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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-04-19 01:30:08  

摘 要







This thesis tell the design processes of a doemitory building in the middle school doemitory of WuHan。It is six -layer steel frame. It has six stories, the height of the first storey is 4.30 meters, and the height of other stories are all 3.3 meters. The height of the whole building is 20.8 meters.

The doemitory building belong to public buildings of civil building, in design of calculating referring to many relevant books, and finished independent to the design code of the building strictly. This design is divided into two major stages mainly:

The first stage is the architectural design。The architectural design is on the premise of master plan, according to requesting task book, considering the base environment synthetically, the function of use, the structure constructs, material equipment, architectural design and artistic question of the building , solve the function of use of the building and arrangement in the space. According to the concept of the building, the principle of building policy, completed the design of the following aspects of the proposed middle school dormitory building: the layout of the building, the basic unit design, the public part design, the space combination design, the roof design, the building facade design and so on.

The second stage is structural design. The structural design is composed of load calculation, stress analysis of frame structure, section selection of beam column, analysis calculation and internal force combination of various loads, node design, floor design, staircase design and basic design, etc. Should build provide fortification against earthquakes earthquake intensity 6 , antidetonation grade for being tertiary , consider horizontal earthquake function impact on horizontal frame and apply the method of for force calculate ,Vertical to load function, horizontal frame internal force calculate and adopt the method of to assign France.

Keywords:steel structure, frame, the design of the structure


1计算基本信息 1

1 .1工程概况 1

1.1.1工程名称 1

1.1.2建筑规模与要求 1

1.2 结构选型 1

1.3 结构布置 1

1.3.1 框架计算简图 1

1.4荷载统计 3

1.4.1 恒荷载标准值统计 3

1.4.2 活荷载标准值统计 5

2 梁柱初选 6

2.1 屋面梁的初选 6

2.2 柱子的初选 7

2.3 组合楼盖的初选 7

2.4 确定计算简图 8

2.5 各单元线刚度 9

2.5.1 梁的线刚度计算 9

2.5.2 柱的线刚度计算 10

2.5.3 相对刚度 10

2.6 各节点弯矩分配系数 11

3 荷载作用下框架的内力(荷载取为标准值) 15

3.1 一榀框架 15

3.2 恒荷载作用下框架的受力简图 25

3.3 恒荷载作用下框架的内力计算 26

3.3.1 恒荷载作用下框架的弯矩计算 26

3.3.2 恒荷载作用下框架剪力计算: 30

3.3.3 恒荷载作用下梁的剪力计算: 30

3.3.4 恒载作用下柱的剪力计算: 31

3.3.5恒荷载作用下框架柱轴力计算 34

3.4活荷载作用下框架的受力简图 37

3.5 活荷载作用下框架的内力计算 38

3.5.2活荷载作用下框架剪力计算原理 41

3.5.3 活荷载作用下梁的剪力计算: 41

3.5.4活荷载作用下柱的剪力计算 42

3.5.5活荷载作用下框架柱轴力计算 44

4 风荷载计算 47

4.1.1 系数统计: 47

4.1.2风荷载标准值: 47

4.1.3各楼层上集中荷载: 48

4.2 风荷载侧移计算 48

4.2.1风荷载作用下框架侧移验算: 49

4.3 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 50

4.3.1 反弯点高度 51

4.3.2 风荷载作用下框架柱剪力和弯矩计算 52

5 地震荷载计算 59

5.1重力荷载代表值 59

5.2 框架的抗震等级 60

5.3 场地和特征周期 60

5.4 框架地震周期 60

6 内力组合 70

7 截面验算 83

7.1 柱截面验算 83

7.1.1柱的截面几何特性: 83

7.1.2求柱的计算长度 83

7.1.3强度验算: 83

7.1.4 整体稳定验算: 84

7.1.5局部稳定验算 85

7.1.6框架柱和轴心受压柱的构造要求 85

7.2梁截面验算 85

7.2.1梁的截面几何特性: 86

7.2.2梁的强度验算 86

7.2.3梁的整体稳定 87

7.2.4梁的板件局部稳定 87

7.2.5局部承压强度计算: 87

7.2.6刚度验算: 87

8 节点计算 88

8.1梁柱连接设计 88

8.1.1 计算腹板分担弯矩 89

8.1.2螺栓验算 89

8.1.3焊缝验算 90

8.1.4节点的验算 91

8.1.5 节点构造 91

8.2主,次梁的连接设计 92

8.3钢柱的拼接 93

8.4柱脚设计 95

9楼梯设计 98

9.1踏步板计算 98

9.1.1计算参数 98

9.1.2踏步板强度计算: 98

9.1.3踏步板与斜梁焊缝连接验算 98

9.2斜梁计算 98

9.2.1斜梁荷载计算 99

9.2.2斜梁截面正应力验算: 99

9.2.3斜梁与平台梁连接处验算 99

9.3平台梁计算 100

9.3.1荷载计算 100

9.3.2弯曲正应力的计算 100

10板筋的计算 101

10.1屋面板筋的计算 101

10.1.2屋面双向板配筋 104

10.2楼面板筋计算 105

11基础设计 106

11.1场地资料 106

11.2 A柱独立基础设计 106

11.2.1 荷载计算 107

11.2.2基础冲切验算 108

11.2.3计算配筋 112

11.3 EF柱基础设计(联合基础) 113

11.3.1基础内力计算 113

11.3.2验算地基承载力 115

11.3.3基础冲切验算 116

11.3.4计算配筋 119

11.4 J柱独立基础设计 120

二、pkpm计算 121

1.结构建模 121

1.1三维模型与荷载输入 121

2.SATWE计算及分析 122

2.1生成SATWE数据 122

2.2结构内力计算与比较 124

2.2.1 结构的自振周期及质量参与系数分析 126

2.2.2 地震作用下层间位移角及风荷载作用下层间位移的分析 126

结束语 127

参考文献 128

致谢 129


1 .1工程概况




建筑层数: 六层

结构形式:采用钢框架结构作为主体结构形式,按照设计要求框架的跨数至少为三跨。框架柱和框架梁均考虑采用 H 型钢。基础为钢筋混凝土独立基础加连系梁,楼盖为现浇钢筋混凝土板或压型钢板混凝土组合楼板。内墙材料为 150 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块,外墙材料为 250 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块,分户墙材料为 200 mm 厚加气混凝土砌块。


1.2 结构选型


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