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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-04-19 00:26:00  

摘 要


本 文 采 用 的 液 压 系 统 为 电 液 控 制 系 统 , 电 液 控 制 系 统 综 合了 电 气 和 液 压 两 方 面 的 特 长 , 具 有 控 制 精 度 高 、 响 应 速 度 快 、 输 出 功 率 大 、 信 号 处 理 灵 活 、 易 于 实 现 各 种 参 量 的 反 馈 等 多 种 优 点 。 因 此 , 电 液 伺 服 系 统 在 负 载 质 量 大 又 要 求 响 应 速 度 快 的 场 合 使 用 最 为 合 适 , 其 应 用 已 遍 及 国 民 经 济 和 军 事 工 业 的 各 个 技 术 领 域 。




The marine steering gear is an important equipment used to maintain or change the direction of navigation of the ship in the water. The design and analysis of the ship servo simulator and its electro-hydraulic control system play an important role in improving the reliability, operability, stability, and research cost of the marine servo.

The hydraulic system used in this article is an electro-hydraulic control system. The electro-hydraulic control system combines the advantages of both electrical and hydraulic components. It has high control accuracy, fast response, large output power, flexible signal processing, and easy feedback of various parameters. A variety of advantages. Therefore, the electro-hydraulic servo system is most suitable for applications where the load quality is large and the response speed is fast, and its application has spread throughout various technical fields of the national economy and the military industry.

The main work content of this article is to design the electro-hydraulic control system of the marine steering gear simulation device according to the design steps of the hydraulic servo system. First of all, this paper clarifies the design requirements of the electro-hydraulic control system of the marine steering gear simulation device and analyzes the working conditions according to the design requirements. According to the results obtained from the analysis and the functions of the hydraulic circuits, the design of the hydraulic circuit finally results in the simulation of the servo of the ship. Hydraulic schematic diagram of the electrohydraulic control system. Then, the static design of the electro-hydraulic control system of the marine steering gear simulator is carried out, including the determination of the fuel supply pressure, the selection of hydraulic cylinders and other hydraulic components. Next, the structure of the hydraulic pump station and the integrated block are designed. Finally, the dynamical analysis of the designed electro-hydraulic control system of the servo device of the ship is carried out, including establishing the system transfer function, drawing the system block diagram and analyzing the response characteristics of the system. After the design and analysis of the electro-hydraulic control system of the marine steering gear simulator was completed, the full text was summarized and the development of the electro-hydraulic control system of the servo steering simulator was prospected.

Keywords: marine servo; electro-hydraulic control system; dynamic analysis


第1章 绪论 1

1.1设计目的与意义 1

1.2国内外发展现状 2

1.3本文主要工作内容 3

第2章 船舶舵机模拟装置电液控制系统原理设计 4

2.1设计要求 4

2.2各液压回路的设计 4

2.2.1选择系统类型 4

2.2.2选择调压回路 5

2.2.3选择方向控制回路 5

2.3电液控制系统液压原理图的拟定 5

第3章 船舶舵机模拟装置电液控制系统静态设计 7

3.1供油压力的确定 7

3.2液压缸的设计计算 7

3.3伺服阀的选型计算 8

3.4液压泵的选型计算 9

3.5电动机的选型计算 10

3.6其他液压元件的选型计算 11

3.6.1确定油箱容量 11

3.6.2加热器的选型 11

3.6.3过滤器与蓄能器的选型 12

第4章 船舶舵机模拟装置电液控制系统结构设计 14

4.1液压泵站结构形式的设计 14

4.2液压泵站总体结构的设计 14

4.3集成块的设计 16

第5章 船舶舵机模拟装置电液控制系统动态分析 18

5.1系统传递函数的建立 18

5.2系统方块图 19

5.3系统响应特性分析 20

第6章 经济性与环保性分析 23

第7章 总结与展望 24

7.1总结 24

7.2展望 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论



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