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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-04-17 23:34:31  

摘 要


本文研究的结论表明:电池的容量、能量、峰值功率均会随电池的衰退而下降,它们的下降规律不同且都对应电池内部的原因。电池的欧姆内阻R0整体随循环次数的增加而升高,并且欧姆内阻的增加是电池产生衰退的主要原因。而电池极化内阻RP1Rp2在SOC ≤ 20%时,都随着循环次数的增加而逐渐变大。当SOC ≥ 20%,极化电阻的变化则比较无规律。极化电容的变化与极化内阻有近似线性互补的关系,这是由时间常数决定的。二阶模型中的两对RC元件还不能够加以区分地反映出电化学极化和浓差极化这两种过程。




In this paper, a ternary materials lithium-ion battery is taken as the research object, and the variation of its characteristic parameters with the degradation process is studied. First, 500 cycles were carried out according to the national standard of simple charge and discharge conditions for the cycle conditions. During this period, the HPPC experiment and basic performance parameters (capacity test, peak power test) were performed every 50 cycles, and the required performance parameters were identified from them to study the changing rule. A second-order equivalent circuit model was established on the basis of parameter identification, and HPPC cyclic pulse conditions and simple dynamic conditions were simulated to verify its accuracy. The results show that the second-order model can accurately simulate the battery working process. Finally, the data of each stage is plotted as a graph to further analyze the degradation characteristics of the battery.

The conclusion of this study shows that the battery capacity, energy, and peak power all decrease with the battery's degradation. They have different decreasing rules and all correspond to the internal causes of the battery. The ohmic internal resistance R0 of the battery as a whole increases with the number of cycles, and the increase in ohmic internal resistance is the main reason for battery degradation. However, when the SOC ≤ 20%, the internal resistances of the batteries, RP1 and RP2, gradually increase with the number of cycles. When SOC ≥ 20%, the change in polarization resistance is relatively irregular, but its overall value is at a lower level. The change in polarization capacitance is approximately linearly complementary to the polarization resistance, which is determined by the time constant.

This article studies the changes of battery performance and parameters during the degradation process, provides a theoretical basis for assessing the state of health, and provides references for research work to extend the battery life.

Key Words:lithium-ion battery; degradation; second-order equivalent circuit model; characteristic parameter

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 引言 1

1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 对锂离子电池衰退机理的研究 1

1.2.2 对锂电池衰退模型的研究 2

1.3 本文研究的主要内容 3

第2章 锂离子电池的工作特性与实验方案 4

2.1 锂离子电池的组成与工作原理 4

2.2 锂离子电池的电性能与特性参数 5

2.2.1 电池的容量 5

2.2.2 电池的能量与功率 6

2.2.3 电池的电压 6

2.2.4 电池的内阻 7

2.3 实验方案 7

2.3.1 电池参数 7

2.3.2 实验方案设计 8

第3章 锂离子电池模型的建立与仿真 9

3.1 电池模型的选择 9

3.1.1 电化学模型 9

3.1.2 等效电路模型 9

3.1.3 神经网络模型 11

3.1.4 模型的选择 11

3.2 电池模型的参数辨识 12

3.2.1 HPPC实验 12

3.2.2 开路电压UOCV的辨识 13

3.2.3 欧姆内阻的辨识 14

3.2.4 极化内阻RP和极化电容CP的辨识 15

3.3 二阶模型验证仿真 17

3.3.1 简单动态工况仿真 19

3.3.2 HPPC测试仿真 20

第4章 各参数随衰退过程的变化规律 21

4.1 电池基本性能的衰退规律 21

4.1.1 电池容量衰退规律 21

4.1.2 电池能量衰退规律 22

4.1.3 峰值功率的衰退规律 23

4.2 电池特性参数的衰退分析 23

4.2.1 欧姆内阻的衰退规律 24

4.2.2 极化内阻Rp1,Rp2和极化电容Cp1,Cp2 25

第5章 结论 28

5.1 研究总结 28

5.2 研究展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第1章 引言

1.1 课题研究的背景与意义


通常,电动汽车的动力系统包含多个模组,而每个模组又由多个电芯集成。在其工作时,为了保证每一个电芯都在合适的温度及电压区间内工作从而不影响整车的性能,需要电池管理系统(Battery Management System,BMS)发挥监视、调控的作用。本课题所研究的电池的特性参数随电池性能衰退的变化规律是准确判断电池健康状况的理论基础,从而为开发BMS提供条件。同时,本课题也是进行估算电池的循环寿命的基础,准确的预估电池寿命可以避免过早替换造成的浪费,也可以避免过晚替换而影响电池整体性能。因此,研究锂离子电池的电性能和特性参数随衰退过程的变化规律对提高车用动力电池经济性、动力性和安全性具有重要意义。

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