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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 信息工程 > 正文


 2021-04-14 22:39:09  

摘 要






In previous exams, teachers used simple calculators to analyze students' test scores. The work is difficult, high-intensity, very cumbersome, prone to errors, and can not be more professional data. After the introduction of computer-assisted tools , some progress has been made in the analysis of papers. In the case of a relatively small amount of data, the statistical functions of the auxiliary tools of these computers can also be completed. However, with the increase of educational resources, the number of students has increased dramatically, and the amount of data has become very large. It is difficult for computer aided tools to conduct effective test paper analysis. In this case, a professional paper analysis system is urgently needed.

Because of this, this paper designed and implemented a test paper analysis system. In this test paper analysis system, the storage of test paper information and student achievement was realized by means of a database, which facilitated the subsequent analysis of the paper when calling the test data, and realized with Java language and JSP technology. Analyze the information in the database and student achievement in the database, and display the analysis results in the interface of the test paper analysis system.

 In this paper's analysis system, teachers can log in the interface to add students' test scores. After systematically analyzing student achievement data, they can use the average score, highest score, lowest score, excellent number, good number, passing number, standard deviation and other indicators and students. Scores, scores, proportions, etc. [Not implemented] The contents of the test paper are presented to the teacher. Solved the manual analysis of the test paper is not accurate, the workload and other issues. After testing, the test paper analysis requirements are basically completed.

Keywords: paper analysis;database;education measurement theory

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景分析 1

1.1.2国外研究现状 1

1.1.3国内研究现状 1

1.2目的和意义 2

第2章 相关理论和核心技术的研究 3

2.1教育测量理论 3

2.1.1基本概念 3

2.1.2相关指标 4

2.2关键性开发技术的介绍 5

2.2.1 JAVA 5

2.2.2 JSP 5

2.2.3 SQL语言简介 6

2.2.4 SQL Sever 2008数据库 6

2.2.5 Tomcat 7

第3章 系统需求分析与设计 8

3.1 系统需求分析 8

3.1.1 背景 8

3.1.2系统需求分析的意义 8

3.1.3试卷分析工作流程 8

3.1.4试卷分析工作问题分析 9

3.1.5系统功能需求分析 10

3.1.6系统的数据库需求概要分析 10

3.2系统功能设计 12

3.3系统数据库设计 14

3.4 小结 15

第4章 系统实现 16

4.1 学生信息管理模块 16

4.2试卷成绩管理模块 17

4.3试卷分析管理模块 19

4.4用户管理模块 21

4.5 小结 22

第5章 系统测试 23

5.1系统测试的流程 23

5.2 测试的结论 23

第6章 总结与展望 25

6.1总结 25

6.2展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论








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