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 2021-04-13 20:16:02  

摘 要


人工智能是近年来非常流行的一个概念,在大家眼中,它是高科技、先进技术的代表。人们希望计算机能够拥有类似于人类的思维模式去解决问题,帮助人类从繁琐的劳动任务中解放出来,改善人类的生活水平。机器学习(Machine Learning,ML)是使计算机由变得“智能”的一种方法,而深度学习(Deep learning,DL)则是则是机器学习领域新兴的一种技术。它的出现极大程度地推动了机器学习的发展,使人工智能的实现变得不再遥远。




Pattern recognition technology is the operation of feature extraction and classification or matching of input data. Classification technology is a branch of pattern recognition, and handwritten digital recognition technology is also a classification task in essence. Although handwritten numeral recognition is a very basic pattern classification task, but we can still see from small to big, the opponent to write number recognition is studied in the process of learning some core problems of pattern recognition, and thus to master other classification methods to resolve the problem. The use of Numbers spans the existence of languages, and the use of Numbers is ubiquitous around the world. Whether in the field of daily life or automation system research, handwritten digital recognition has a very broad market demand and application prospect. Therefore, whether from the theoretical academic or practical application, the research on the digital recognition of adversary writing has a very important position.

Artificial intelligence is a very popular concept in recent years. In everyone's eyes, it is the representative of high technology and advanced technology. People hope that computers can have the thinking mode similar to human beings to solve problems, help human beings free from the tedious labor tasks, and improve the living standard of human beings. Machine Learning (ML) is a method to make computers "intelligent", while Deep Learning (DL) is a new technology in the field of Machine Learning. Its emergence has greatly promoted the development of machine learning and the realization of artificial intelligence is no longer far away.

To print digital identification technologies are relatively mature, but the handwritten Numbers due to factors such as personal writing habits, usage scenarios, a print digits recognition will be more difficult to build a precise mathematical model. So in this paper, based on VGGNet - 16 digit recognition system, the network structure reference VGGNet of papers published in 2014, and in this paper puts forward the VGGNet - 16 a change on the network model: due to choose the image size of the data set, the fifth in the network in the period of the three convolution convolution network layer is not adopted in the paper put forward 3 x 3 sizes of convolution kernels, but choose a smaller 1 x 1 convolution kernels; Since there are not many convolution kernel channels for the output data of the fifth convolution layer, the number of output nodes of the full connection layer is changed to 1024. Moreover, the data mirroring technology is used in the network model to improve the generalization ability of the designed model. Finally, the trained network can reach a peak of 100% accuracy in the training set of MNIST data set, approximately converges to 99.219% in the training set, and 98.4375% in the test set of MNIST data set. The network has good accuracy in training set and test set.

Key Words: Convolutional neural network; TensorFlow; Handwritten digit recognition;


目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3 本文主要工作和结构安排 4

第2章 系统需求分析与设计 5

2.1 系统需求分析 5

2.2 系统相关原理分析 5

2.2.1 卷积神经网络结构 5

2.2.2VGGNet-16模型 7

2.2.3 神经网络的优化 11

2.2.4 MNIST数据集 12

2.3 系统方案设计 14

第3章 基于VGGNet-16的数字识别系统实现 15

3.1 模型实现 15

3.1.1 模型搭建 15

3.1.2 训练模型 17

3.1.3 评估模型 19

3.1.4 手写数字图片识别 19

3.2 系统实现 19

第4章 实验结果与分析 21

4.1 框架介绍 21

4.2 实验结果和分析 22

第5章 总结与展望 29

5.1 总结 29

5.2 展望 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


人工智能的说法近年来非常流行,但它并不是一个新兴的概念,在上个世纪计算机被发明出来不久,就已经有了相关的说法。在1950年的时候,图灵(Alan Mathison)就提出了图灵测试的想法,但是自此五十年来,尽管大批的科研人员孜孜不倦的对于人工智能进行深入研究,但却没有一台机器能达到图灵测试的标准。人工智能的发展陷入了瓶颈。

深度学习的出现打破了这一瓶颈。自2006年以来,随着人工神经网络领域的突破性发现以及互联网的发展,图灵实验的实现也渐渐变得可能起来,就在前不久,谷歌母公司董事长确认语音AI Duplex已经通过图灵测试,它可以基于用户的日程安排,通过电话完成理发和餐厅预定。究其缘由,不仅要归功于是当下计算机性能的提升,更要归功于深度学习算法的出现。

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