2021-04-12 20:39:09
摘 要
本论文中主要研究利用外加法掺入TiO2对无碱硼铝硅酸盐玻璃表面张力的影响,结果表明TiO2的加入使得为RO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2玻璃表面张力先增大后减小。外加TiO2为1 mol% 时,少量的TiO2会以 [TiO4] 的形式进入硅酸盐网络结构中,Si-O键结构产生团聚,复杂硅酸盐链状或者环状结构聚合度增加,结构变紧密,表面张力增大。随着TiO2的继续加入,TiO2会对Si-O-Si键产生断键作用,[TiO4] 和 [TiO5] 被阴离子团挤到熔体表面层,样品表面张力减小。
E glass also called non-alkali glass, is a kind of alkali metal oxide content less than 1% of the aluminum borosilicate glass. The melting temperature can reach 1450 - 1550℃. And non-alkali glass has good mechanical performance, high resistivity and good resistance to water features, They have wide applications.in the electrical insulating glass fiber, glass fiber reinforced plastic with glass fiber and other fields.
In this paper, the main research object is the non-alkali E glass, which belongs to the boron aluminate glass system. In experiments, we use traditional melting method and tablet quenched of to prepared glass samples, test the surface tension of the sample glass by using of surface tension tester. Analysis test data and explore the law of surface tension. At the same time, Raman and other structural analysis methods are used to explore the structural changes of the glass, and the Raman analysis diagram and theoretical knowledge are combined to analyze the causes of the change of the surface tension of the glass.
The main subject of this paper is the effect of the addition of TiO2 by external addition on the surface tension of alkali-free boroaluminosilicate glass. The results show that the addition of TiO2 makes the surface tension of RO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glass increase first and then decrease. When TiO2 is added at 1 mol%, a small amount of TiO2 will be inserted into the network structure of Si in the form of [TiO4], the Si-O structure will be agglomerated, the degree of polymerization of complex silicate chain or ring structure will increase, and the structure will become tighter., surface tension will increase. In this paper, the study on the change of surface tension of E glass under the condition of adding TiO2 provides a theoretical reference for reducing the surface tension in actual production and improving the E glass production system.
Key words: TiO2; Alkali-free glass; Glass structure; Surface tension
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 无碱玻璃 1
1.1.1 E玻璃背景介绍 1
1.1.2 E玻璃性能和特点介绍 1
1.1.3 无碱玻璃的研究现状 1
1.2 全氧燃烧 3
1.2.1 全氧燃烧相关背景 3
1.2.2 全氧燃烧发展现状 3
1.2.3 玻璃消泡剂 5
1.3 玻璃表面张力 6
1.3.1 玻璃表面张力基本介绍 6
1.3.2 玻璃表面张力的影响因素 7
1.3.3 玻璃表面张力的测试方法 8
1.4 本课题主要研究内容 11
1.4.1 研究目标和意义 11
1.4.2 研究思路和内容 11
1.4.3 研究特点 11
第2章 实验过程 12
2.1 实验原料准备 12
2.2 实验设备和仪器 12
2.3 实验温度制度 13
2.4 玻璃熔制和样品制备 13
2.5 表征方法 14
2.5.1 表面张力测试 14
2.5.2 拉曼测试 15
2.5.3 X射线衍射测试(XRD,X-ray diffraction) 15
第3章 外加TiO2对RO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2玻璃表面张力和结构的影响 16
3.1组分设计 16
3.2表面张力研究 16
3.3 XRD研究 18
3.4拉曼研究 19
第4章 总结和展望 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 26
第1章 绪论
1.1 无碱玻璃
1.1.1 E玻璃背景介绍
1.1.2 E玻璃性能和特点介绍
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