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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-04-08 22:09:46  

摘 要








Portal cranes are an important type of cranes. The complexity and diversity of their working conditions has always been the focus of research. It directly relates to the performance and cost of the crane, if the design of the portal cranes under different working conditions can fit the reality. With the continuous development of computer technology, virtual prototyping technology have gradually became one of the designing methods. This thesis applies virtual prototyping technology simulation technology to the design of MQ4040 crane. The main work contents are as follows:

(1) Complete the overall design calculation of the MQ4040 single-arm portal crane. The main contents include determining the main working mechanism and the form of the metal structure, determining the main dimensions of the boom structure, using the map method to design the compensation system of the horizontal displacement of cargo, designing the balance maintaining system of beam, calculation of load and load combinations, and checking the supporting wheel pressure and the stability of whole crane.

(2) The 2D engineering drawing of the MQ4040 crane is designed and drawn, and the 3D model of the important parts of the crane is built by using SolidWorks. The dynamic model of the MQ4040 crane and simple rope modeling is established in the ADAMS. The kinematics and dynamics simulations of the MQ4040 crane are carried out under different working conditions and the curves of motion and force are obtained.

(3) Using the node load results of ADAMS output, the finite element analysis of the boom structure is carried out by using ANSYS. The static and modal analysis results of the boom structure are obtained, and the strength and stiffness of the boom structure are checked.

In this thesis, the virtual prototyping technology is applied to the designing process of the portal crane, which telescopes the overall designing time of the crane and obtains the result that is more met the requirements of the working conditions. This work is a good reference for the design of the crane.

Keywords: Portal crane; Virtual prototyping technology; SolidWorks; ADAMS; ANSYS

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 课题研究内容 3

第2章 MQ4040门座式起重机总体设计 5

2.1 主要设计参数 5

2.2 主要工作机构和金属结构的形式 7

2.2.1 各机构的组成及布置形式 7

2.2.2 金属结构选型 8

2.3设计臂架系统尺寸参数 9

2.3.1 货物水平位移补偿设计 9

2.3.2 臂架自重平衡 12

2.4 起重机整体载荷以及载荷组合计算 13

2.4.1 计算载荷 13

2.4.2 载荷组合 17

2.5 求解起重机轮压与校核 21

2.5.1 车轮支反力求解方法简介 21

2.5.2 支反力最大值 23

2.5.3 轮压的校核 25

2.6 整机稳定性校核 25

2.7 本章小结 27

第3章 基于ADAMS的门座起重机整机动力学建模与分析 28

3.1 起重机动力学模型的建立 28

3.1.1 基于SolidWorks的三维建模 28

3.1.2 基于ADAMS的动力学建模 31

3.2 起重机主要机构虚拟样机仿真与分析 32

3.2.1 起重机起升过程仿真 33

3.2.2 起重机变幅过程仿真 36

3.2.3 起重机回转过程仿真 39

3.3 本章小结 40

第4章 基于ANSYS的门座起重机臂架结构有限元分析 41

4.1 基于ANSYS的臂架结构分析与校核 41

4.2 臂架结构模态分析 44

4.3 本章小结 48

第5章 总结与展望 49

5.1 全文总结 49

5.2 环境影响及经济性分析 49

5.3 研究展望 50

参考文献 51

附录A 53

致谢 54

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究目的与意义

随着社会经济贸易的不断发展,经济全球化的趋势日益明显,船舶运输行业发展势头迅猛,门座式起重机作为当前各个起重机型号中运用最为广泛的机型之一,具有适用范围广、易于操作等特点。可以说,门座式起重机在港口装卸运输过程中起到了重要的作用。目前,国内外制造门座式起重机的厂家很多,国内的生产厂家有河南卫华集团、长沙中联重科、上海港机厂等[1],国外生产门座式起重机欧美的利勃海尔、特雷克斯-德马格、马尼托瓦和日本的神钢等[2] 。这些公司一般是以创新为导向,设计指导生产,效率与技术都是较为先进的。


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