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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 电子信息工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 10:40:25  

摘 要

目前,高校对于日常教学管理逐渐规范化、科学化和信息现代化,本科生和研究生的考勤管理对于高校教学尤为重要,各种考勤系统的发展趋于系统化,简化了教师和学生的考勤过程。大多数高校仍旧采用纸质考勤方法,效率低,容易出错,出勤率不准确。而采用价格高昂的指纹或者生物识别技术,则增加了教学成本,且有识别不准确等问题。随着智能手机的普及和移动互联网技术的发展,开发一套基于Android平台的考勤系统,可以为大学生提供实时教学考勤。学生通过 Android手机即可进行操作,操作简单,性能稳定,用户群体较为广泛。




At present, colleges and universities are gradually standardizing, scientific and modernizing information. The attendance management of undergraduates and postgraduates is especially important for colleges and universities. The development of various attendance systems also tends to be systematic and process for teachers and students. Most colleges and universities also adopt paper attendance methods, which are inefficient and error-prone, and attendance is not accurate. The use of expensive fingerprints or biometrics increases the cost of teaching and has problems such as inaccurate recognition. With the popularization of smart phones and the development of mobile internet technology, a set of attendance system based on Android platform has been developed, which can provide real-time teaching and attendance for college students. Students can operate through Android mobile phones, with simple operation and stable performance. The user community is more extensive.

The student-based attendance system based on Android is divided into two clients: the teacher and the student. The main functions include teachers and students manually adding their own schedules, teachers to generate QR codes according to class, course and time, students scanning QR codes to complete attendance, teachers and students have different permissions to view attendance records and other functions. The attendance system is simple in operation and popular, which is convenient for the teaching management of teachers and students.

Key words: Android, attendance system, QR code, mobile intern

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外的研究现状 1

1.3 本文的章节结构 2

第2章 Android系统和应用开发环境 3

2.1 Android平台 3

2.1.1 Android简介 3

2.1.2 Android的特点 3

2.1.3 Android的体系架构 4

2.2 Android开发环境及技术 5

2.2.1 Java基础 5

2.2.2 IDE集成开发环境介绍 6

2.2.3 JDK和SDK 7

2.2.4 Tomcat 7

2.2.5 MySQL 8

2.2.6 二维码技术 8

第3章 需求分析及系统概要性设计 9

3.1 功能需求分析 9

3.1.1 教师端的功能需求 9

3.1.2 学生端的功能需求 9

3.2 系统整体功能设计 9

3.3 系统架构设计 11

3.4 数据库设计 12

3.4.1 实体属性和E-R图 12

3.4.2 数据库表 15

第4章 系统详细设计 17

4.1 服务端连接设计实现 17

4.2 登录注册设计实现 17

4.3 考勤模块 18

4.3.1 教师端 19

4.3.2 学生端 20

4.4 考勤记录模块 20

4.4.1 教师端 20

4.4.2 学生端 21

4.5 课表设置模块 22

4.5.1 教师端 22

4.5.2 学生端 23

第5章 系统测试 24

5.1 教师端 24

5.2 学生端 26

第6章 小结与展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义



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